Recruit us!

I'm back after many months and have decided to join a team.
My skill has improved greatly and I also have a friend who is stronger than me.
We are looking for a team with around 10-30 members, strong members, and a good leader who knows what they are doing.
We are in Northern New Jersey, USA.
Please post here or send me a pm if you are interested in recruiting us for your team.
Edit: We also have been beyblading for a long time and have much expierence
If your interesting in applying to the New England Bey Blazers, look no further!
Right now, we have 3 (4 pending) members, but as we just opened to all of New England and not just CT, we expect to gain more members! Please apply, as we are looking for more people! We'd enjoy to have you!
are you interested in joining my team
You should go look for a suitable team instead of asking them to come and recruit you. I can see this will generate a ton of pointless spam and campaigning.
Dude teams mean nothing and do nothing... Also I doubt a team would have 10 members.