Recent Games Played [Commentary is mandatory]

(Jan. 01, 2009  7:55 PM)Roan Wrote:
(Jan. 01, 2009  10:22 AM)Sam Wrote: I was thinking on renting Dead Space; anyone here play it? And if so is it worth a play through? I heard it's like RE4.

I've heard its awesome. I've been wanting it for a while now but I'm waiting for a price drop because I know that's the kind of game that I'll play through once and probably never play again.

got mine for 15£ B) well worth it for the psn trophiesGrin
(Jan. 01, 2009  10:22 AM)Sam Wrote: I was thinking on renting Dead Space; anyone here play it? And if so is it worth a play through? I heard it's like RE4.

love that game

eerie as carp
I'm playing the new Prince of Persia on my 360. It is sheer awesome. Even though it is an easy game and the dialogue is questionable, I am having tons of fun with it.
Still playing Fable II, not even sure where I am in that game but it's basically claimed my life.
Finished Re: CoM earlier this week. The gameplay is fun, storyline's mostly the same, and the lip-syncing is pure awful.
Yeah grenades have always been in a problem in all of the CoD games.
(Jan. 03, 2009  8:02 PM)Roan Wrote: Yeah grenades have always been in a problem in all of the CoD games.

i wont be doing anything wrong at all and then some grenade lands at my feet and blows me the carp up ugahh

then the game has the nerve to tell me to watch out for the grenade icon or some stupid condi rice quote about how war has changed
(Jan. 03, 2009  8:07 PM)Sam Wrote: war has changed

speaking of that quote, did writer this year steal this from something? jeez, its in MGS4 and Fallout 3 nearly verbatim
I think the one in Fallout 3 is honestly poking fun at the one in MGS4.

idk i'm sure they have some psychologist who tells them it makes gamers hot and bothered
war changes until the carp ending of that game

still makes me angry
cod waw (again)

somebody please buy this and play it with me. nazi zombies kicks carp.

i made it to level 9 then accidently got rid of my easy button revolver and they all cornered me bahahaha it was so fun.
I want it but I'm not paying full price. If I can find it for like $39.99 or less I'll get it.
Beat Fable II by accident.
got led to the final 'area' somehow, when I didn't want to, and it was all over in under 10 minutes.
There wasn't even a boss fight? what the hell
(Jan. 04, 2009  11:06 PM)Sam Wrote: cod waw (again)

somebody please buy this and play it with me. nazi zombies kicks carp.

i made it to level 9 then accidently got rid of my easy button revolver and they all cornered me bahahaha it was so fun.

What system you got it on?
If you got it on PS3 add LBlitzUK

& got to Lvl 65 >.> lol (dunno if I wanna Prestige or not lol)

guitar_legend: does that big carp shard you have to fight not count?
Played some Crash Commando (Much like Soldat) and that game is full of win, seriously.

Also downloaded Super Street FighterII HD remix and what a joy to get my carp kicked. Just like the old days.
Yeah the ending of Fable II was pretty lame but it still had an impact on me because I ended up really regretting the final choice I made and hadn't made a save before the end. lol
The shard fight was fun but it seemed like a boss to end that chapter of recruiting that guy or whatever, not ending the game.

Roan what choice did you make?
- Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World

I can't believe how much voice acting there is in this game.