Recent Games Played [Commentary is mandatory]

New game I got on holiday, Sonic and the Black Knight, damn King Arthur I can't kill him and I really want to play as Sir Lancelot.
I have been playing Pokemon Diamond recently ...
(May. 12, 2009  10:21 AM)KaiBrooklynRaul Wrote: New game I got on holiday, Sonic and the Black Knight, damn King Arthur I can't kill him and I really want to play as Sir Lancelot.

What has happened to sonic games? I can't remember the last time they made a decent 2D sonic game. Well actually, sonic rush was alright if you ignored the fact that some of the levels were carp and Blaze was just plain lame.

Still, there are so many spinoffs (lolreference) of the sonic series nowadays, it's pretty terrible imo. D=

I guess some of the can be good at times, but... how many sonic characters are there if you count now? O.O
(May. 12, 2009  10:50 AM)Pikachao Wrote: What has happened to sonic games? I can't remember the last time they made a decent 2D sonic game. Well actually, sonic rush was alright if you ignored the fact that some of the levels were carp and Blaze was just plain lame.

Still, there are so many spinoffs (lolreference) of the sonic series nowadays, it's pretty terrible imo. D=

I guess some of the can be good at times, but... how many sonic characters are there if you count now? O.O

Sonic adventure 2 was really good and the new one sonic unleashed is nice to they have a side scrolling feature in it which really takes you back and switches between 3d and 2d really well.
(May. 11, 2009  9:52 PM)Roan Wrote: Please tell me you've played BioShock... If not, drop all those other games and play it right away.
The most I've seen of BioShock is the front cover. The diver suit dude with the drill is pretty cool though. I'm going to end up renting it sometime soon.
Sonic the Hedgehog PS3

playing Sonic Unleashed later
(May. 12, 2009  10:50 AM)Pikachao Wrote: What has happened to sonic games? I can't remember the last time they made a decent 2D sonic game. Well actually, sonic rush was alright if you ignored the fact that some of the levels were carp and Blaze was just plain lame.

Still, there are so many spinoffs (lolreference) of the sonic series nowadays, it's pretty terrible imo. D=

I guess some of the can be good at times, but... how many sonic characters are there if you count now? O.O

I don't mind them. But I loved the Sonic game for Sega Game Gear, first console we ever had, we used to play on it for hours.

Best characters:
Mephiles the Dark

Metal Sonic
Fallout 3

Hurray for Broken Steel's level cap lift! I haven't started the DLC's storyline yet (I loaded an earlier save with both O: A and The Pitt completed still before finishing "Finding the Garden of Eden") and have been mostly exploring places I hadn't been to yet or that I hadn't fully explored.
Got the Lockpick and Melee Bobbleheads (wow, Dunwich building is carp creepy), raided Shalebrige, the Deathclaw Sanctuary, Old Olney, Andale (holy carp) and a few other places. Also, finished both "Finding the Garden of Eden" and "The American Dream" yesterday, as well as started "Take it Back!". I am at level 26 right now; I think I going up way too fast. I'm playing on Very Hard, otherwise it'd be easy, but that also means I get more exp and if I'm well rested, then I'm getting like 91 exp agaisn't the strongest enemies like Deathclaws, Sentry Bots, Tesla Armor/Hellfire Armor Enclave troops, etc, and those aren't that uncommon anymore.
Holy carp at the Feral Ghoul Reavers, I didn't expect them to be so tough (found a few at the Dunwich building). The Dart Gun is once again helpfull. I've found a few Super Mutant Overlords, tough as hell as well and if they're carrying Gatling Lasers, they can drop you pretty quick. Only found 1 Albino Radscorpion so far, just outside Old Olney. Despite these being the toughest to take down, it's not really hard when you're out in the open and see them first. Sneak Attack critical, then dart gun, then just backpedal while shooting (same as the Giant Radscorpions really). I've heard of people finding 3 at a time though (ouch).
Also, Heavy Incinerator ftw the thing is awesome fun to use.
kane&lynch: dead men

terrible game (like absolutely dont ever play this) except how snipers are, you can see their sniper scope vision in the bottom of the screen when they can see you, so then thinking "well since the angle is from above and i'm looking left from his perspective which is then right from mine then he must be" here or there, and it's just a really cool mechanic.

tho the rest is carp garbage. there were somehow 4 enemies standing in the exact same place and their models overlapped; so i'd kill one and then a new one would pop up in the same place repeat. i thought the game was glitching out.
halo 3. am getting better Smile i killed the most in 2 matched from total of 4 Smile
i love it when the game is rocket launchers in social slayer! the match really gets crazy XD
So I remebered why I stopped playing Tetris DS (apart from the fact that it was effecting my sleep, etc). It's carping boring. I've been playing the same game for about two hours now and it's got a tad repetitive (and I normally have a stupidly long attention span for things like this). Plus I have pins and needles in my hands. Unhappy

I wish I knew what my brother did with the original GB cartridge. I'm sure it was harder. Though I guess that could have just been because I was younger......Confused
I was gonna pass 10000000 on Tetris DS (Marathon, Starting Level 1, Endless on).......I paused it to use my phone.....and when I came back to it I realised I hadn't actually paused it.......I'm so annoyed. I don't think I'll ever have that kinda patience again. D:
I found tetris harder when I was younger, but just the other day I was playing the original tetris on my friend's gameboy colour. It was so fun, I almost forgot how repetetive yet awesome the music was. *bleep* *bleep* *BLOOOOOOP*

Nice double post by the way Rocky. =D
I was so obsessed as a kid. I had this for ages. Not fun.

Tetris music is epic but I was actually listening to other music at the time.......if I had been listening to just the Tetris music then I probably would have realised my mistake. ;_; Oh and here's my final score, because I'm that sad.

Score: 9,862,143
Lines: 999 (maxed - 3320-3329)
Level: 333
(Marathon, Starting Level 1, Endless on)
(May. 17, 2009  10:25 PM)Rocky Wrote: I was so obsessed as a kid. I had this for ages. Not fun.

I remember that. I went through a phase of tetris obsession again a couple of years ago and when my friend asked me why I was staring at something I said "You know if that water bottle linked in with that laptop you could get a tetris" and she though I was mad. =D

Then again, if I recall correctly she had spent half the lesson fighting with me about who was better at halo 2. >.>
Bionic Commando Rearmed
Beat it! (Like I wanted to before Tuesday's release of the new Bionic Commando)
Now I'm just working on getting all the achievements for it (Though, the 'beat the game on Super Hard' will give me the most problems, Tongue_out)
Dr Mario, Curtousy of my Nintendo points that came free with my DSi.
Seriously addictive, i've never really botherd with puzzle games before but I may just start to buy some more Tongue_out *thinks about buying Tetris DS this weekend*

EDIT: The tune 'Fever' is so damn catchy.
me and some friends from school have got this thing going where we put Pokemon yellow/gold/silver/red/blue/crystal on our phones and play it during class Smile
Golden Axe: Beast Rider for PS3, I got fed up and played a bit of Bullet Witch

<3 everyone should own this for steam/mac/xbla whatever it rules
(May. 19, 2009  1:31 AM)Sam Wrote: peggle

<3 everyone should own this for steam/mac/xbla whatever it rules

I've heard the iPhone version is pretty much the definitive edition for people who've never played the game (that would be me) -- should I get it? It's only like $5.
you can get a valve-game themed release called peggle extreme from steam for free

dl that carp if you're on the fence
Super Metroid.
I haven't played it for about a year and a half, and I realized I forgot how to Mockball. I just spent half an hour trying to re-teach myself.
Finally did it and got the super missiles early.
plants vs. zombies

so awesome popcap major love you