Recent Games Played [Commentary is mandatory]

i am playing pokemon guardian signs as i speak
Started playing a game called Amnesia I got off steam for £4. Incredibly creepy.
Lol, I'm working on Pokemon Yellow. Although, I haven't played it in like a week. But I did get Mew without a Gameshark! (I used the Lavender Town Glitch)
Brought Dr Mario the other day for nostalgia.
It's a lot harder than I remember. Uncertain
I played the Castlevania Lords of Shadow demo, and I really like it. I wish I had more money to spend.....
I'm still playing Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force Evolution
(Jan. 04, 2011  10:03 PM)Bey-Heart Wrote: Lol, I'm working on Pokemon Yellow. Although, I haven't played it in like a week. But I did get Mew without a Gameshark! (I used the Lavender Town Glitch)

You can do the same glitch in cerulean you know? I find it marginally more simple to do it the cerulean way, plus you get mew earlier on.
Fable 3.

They somehow topped the hate I had for the second game.

This game is dreadful and I feel sorry for all idiots who bought it (Unlike the mildly less idiotic people like me who simply rented it)

It's a mess. A poorly made, unplayable, uninteresting, glitchy, immature, unfunny, over-hypped, unpleasant, ridiculous mess. Keep your money away from it.
Smackdown VS Raw 2011 and Super Smash Bros Brawl.
Sonic Colors(BIG SONIC FAN) Pokemon Heartgold Sonic's on Wii Pokemon's on my DSI
Sonic Unleashed- great variation from normal sonic games
FFXIII- kinda boring due to linearity but great graphics x_x
first FF game Ive played
(Jan. 08, 2011  11:37 PM)qwerty123 Wrote: Smackdown VS Raw 2011 and Super Smash Bros Brawl.

ahh fake wrestiling i havent beleved in that since i was seven

i am playing naruto clash of ninjas 2 saving up my money for storm 3
clash of ninja 2 is okay you can play as crow and akamaru by themselfs
replaying kh2 fm
(Jan. 10, 2011  6:01 PM)Jsc Wrote: Sonic Unleashed- great variation from normal sonic games
FFXIII- kinda boring due to linearity but great graphics x_x
first FF game Ive played

You should play the classics. Poor graphics (Amazing back then) but story line far surpasses the new stuff.

Anyways, I recently picked up Minecraft. Its unbelievably addictive. i've kinda gone off beyblade because of it LOL.
Just beat Legend of Zelda Original on the Gamecube collection One of Awesomest games I've played
Call of Duty: Black Ops.

Just finished playing One In A Chamber. My very first time playing it, and it it awesome!
PKMN HeartGold
Theme Park
Warioware DIY
Legend of Zelda 4 Swords/A Link in Time (two good old Gameboy games).
(Jan. 12, 2011  5:56 PM)ZE12O Wrote:
(Jan. 10, 2011  6:01 PM)Jsc Wrote: Sonic Unleashed- great variation from normal sonic games
FFXIII- kinda boring due to linearity but great graphics x_x
first FF game Ive played

You should play the classics. Poor graphics (Amazing back then) but story line far surpasses the new stuff.

Anyways, I recently picked up Minecraft. Its unbelievably addictive. i've kinda gone off beyblade because of it LOL.

Quite so.
Borrowed Heavy Rain of my friend really good game.
black ops.
just finished fire emblem radiant dawn (great game)
I've been playing KH Re:Coded and it is very fun. Every single world has a different way of playing and it's awesome!
Naruto Shippuden Clash of Ninja Revolution 3

I like many characters.I unlock em all.and so addicting sasuke and anbu kakashi are my favorite charActers
I got back to playing Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess. I'm at the Sky Temple. I was making pretty good progress until my dad made me turn it off so he could watch football.
I've just played beyblade the game [metal fusion]
I started playing Castlevania: Circle of the Moon on my phone's GBA emulator. So nostaligic... and the game is very good. =)

The most insanely hard game I've ever played. But awesome anyways.