Recent Games Played [Commentary is mandatory]

yeah when you get good at useing zangief hes sick only way i can finish arcade on medium(with no continues) Cool
street fighter 4

i miss t. hawk, ultra combos are impossible for me to do, and LOL i got my use no continues on medium or harder achievement with DAN
- Uniwar

It's WeeWar all over again! Except nobody on here is playing. Unhappy Anybody who has an iPhone or iPod Touch, you should check this game out. Only 99 cents right now.
we should seriously have WBO weewar games again
(Apr. 26, 2009  10:40 PM)bugturtles Wrote: we should seriously have WBO weewar games again

LOL, I'll play if we can get four people playing.

- The Legend of Zelda

I've had the Zelda Collector's Edition disc for a long time now, but never really got into the original Legend of Zelda. I've only beaten the first dungeon so far, but I am really enjoying it. The simplicity is refreshing.
Stepmania. SO GOOD.=D

Pokémon Theme on it. <3
Bionic Commando Rearmed
I've been meaning to finish this for a while, but its only now that the new Bionic Commando is coming out soon that I've gotten that little push to actually sit down and play it.

I've also been playing Chrono Trigger DS off and on.
midnight club LA. this is really hard! i am still in the beginning and am already stuck XD
halo 3

getting so much better at using sniper rifle: it ends up being one my most used weapon online

two sniper sprees, b!
There is a guy who sells retro games and consoles on campus. He had a SNES with this on. It is quite possibly the worst thing I have ever played....
Khel Wrote:


That picture alone is the game's sole redeeming quality. I played it because of the picture.
halo3, i played with a very high level friend in ranked matches. am still kinda beginner so the best i did with those matches full of hardcore players is -8 XD LOL my friend got so mad on me.
there was this match where he got +12 and i got -12 XD its like i deleted everything he made in the match.
i had a lot of fun though
I played Halo 3 online with my cousin once. He's nuts at this game, and I blow hard. I think the score was something along the lines of 30 him and 0 me. It was supposed to go longer, but it just seemed kinda pointless by then.
shaq fu is outstanding i've played it a lot
halo 3 legendary 4 player co-op in ghosts last mission, me, bugturtles, kod, and some other dude

spent 45 minutes trying to beat this to get the achievement

literally like 3 minutes from the end kods connection fails

(May. 02, 2009  9:04 PM)Sam Wrote: halo 3 legendary 4 player co-op in ghosts last mission, me, bugturtles, kod, and some other dude

spent 45 minutes trying to beat this to get the achievement

literally like 3 minutes from the end kods connection fails



carp our lives

also the other dude has never played legendary before so this was basically his first experience on that difficulty level LOL
(May. 02, 2009  9:47 PM)bugturtles Wrote: x2

carp our lives

also the other dude has never played legendary before so this was basically his first experience on that difficulty level LOL

i could take his spot
just saying
Halo 2. Owned some people with the shotgun and got a killing spree for the first time playing in ages. I still got it! =D
I hear there are some people who'd buy a copy of Shaq-Fu off you just to get it away from the public.
woooah i cant believe i won!!!
i was playing lone wolfs and in the middle of the match i was the second with i think 10 and the first was 15. i said i can do it so i started jumping on everyone i see and killing him until i reached his score. then it was like a second am in the lead and the other he is until the match ended i was the winner with 1 kill deference Smile the match was awesome Smile
(May. 02, 2009  9:47 PM)bugturtles Wrote: x2

carp our lives

also the other dude has never played legendary before so this was basically his first experience on that difficulty level LOL

You mean your cousin GreenTwigger? I wasn't looking, but there was some instance where all of a sudden I just hear you and Sam asking him to not commit suicide so we could get over the checkpoint lol What was he doing?

But, yeah, sorry guys. And after all we went through with the constant lag... =( carp my internet connection.
I think you guys should try it with Guitar_Legend next instead, since he's closer, it probably won't lag as much.
I remember the Legendary run I had with bugturtles and it was fine with just us two, but once he also had a friend on and it was lagging as well.
It made things a lot harder than they should've been in this last run...

Nice job pegasis. I haven't played FFA in ages, just enough to get some of the achievements. I don't like it as much as team games, there's more luck with kill stealing, etc (yes I suck at FFA). You're getting better though dude, keep it up.
Getting matched up against stronger players is a problem in matchmaking and if your friend is a high level, then you're even more likely to run into them. I can hardly get a match nowadays where there aren't a bunch of Brigadiers/Colonels/Generals or alts and I'm only a 24 highest skill. Alt accounts are really carp matchmaking over for newer players or anyone who isn't a pro and it's gonna be even worse now that Silver accounts are allowed in Social matches...
check ma file share in halo 3

did a wicked match of juggernaut where i got the ten kills to win as jugg without dying motha carp