Recent Games Played [Commentary is mandatory]

I've been playing Darksiders, recently.

It is a huge God of War rip-off. It is sooooo obvious. Brutal deaths activated by the Circle button, a grumpy protagonist that doesn't get along with anyone, colored spheres you use as experience, money and health, it has it all.

Otherwise, it's okay. Liam O'brien as the main protagonist is pretty enjoyable and, well, a rip-off of God of War is still pretty good XD
i've been playing nba jam because i am obsessed with nba (i play in real life basketball not nba)
I play Age of Empires III(PC) and also Ninja Saga(online flash RPG) almost every day.
Recently I have played Modern Warfare 2 & Halo Reach
They were fun...
Thought I was all nooby
just started nds digimon world dawn..haha...i like it..
I Played Uberstrike recently it has good graphics for an FPS game on facebook and its child friendly because there is no blood its pretty good but its hard to level up.
have you play call of the duty blacks ops ????POSTPOSTPOSTChief 2002 - Disappointed ...Supaburn
Just finished playing Tekken 6 online. I was on a 43 win streak.
I played Black Ops not long ago. It was really fun!
Call of duty 4.
Battlefield Bad Company 2.

Both are very entertaining.
I starting playing army of 2 the 40 days with my friend and it's like cod black ops but more futuristic. it sucks how it'sonly 2 player though.
Been playing a rented Portal 2 for PS3.

I'm actually really, really impressed. This is a great game, not only for the clever idea of the Portal Gun, but for the overall story and characters. I'm kinda disappointed in the yet-again-silent-protagonist, but all other characters are really cool. GlaDOS is hilarious in this really creepy 'sarcastic' way, and where she finds every possible excuse to insult Chell. Wheatly is also very funny, which I didn't expect, because I'm not a big fan of British humour (Which could be because I lack experience about it) but just his voice makes you smile.

Great game, overall.
...You have been asleep for 999999999999999999999.... days. I love the cells in those games, like fact cell, adventure cell, etc. I played this at my friends house, so correct me if I'm wrong about the details/names in this game.

But I've been personally playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl again. Forgot how fun it is to use Lucario, Sonic and Lucas again. Of course, it's always fun to see the Falcon Punch hit too, just for laughs.
i just finished played igimon world dawn...
it kinda remind me of digimon world 2 of psx..the story of the game is just sucks..but like to collect digimon..haha
I have recently been playing Prototype and NFS Hot Pursuit 3...

I managed to finish Prototype..but im still in the middle of Hot Pursuit 3...Im playing both of these games in my pc...and yup im enjoying it...
The last game I played was GodFinger All-Stars on my cousin's iPad. Kinda boring game.
Red Faction Guerrilla. I love placing charges on every side of a building, then blowing it to complete bits.
Mega Man 2. Obviously I love this game. (Why wouldn't I? After all, it is Mega Man. Lol.) I spent a pretty descent amount of time playing it today. So far, I've beaten most of the Robot Masters. All I have left is Heat Man and Quick man. Shouldn't be too hard. AFter all, I am amazing at Mega Man games. Lol. Can't wait to beat it though. This is one of the few Mega Man games I've never beaten. Can't wait. XD
Just got back from Gamestop to play inFAMOUS 2 demo xD. ITS AWESOME. I cannot wait for it. I wish SuckerPunch could do a multiplayer on the inFAMOUS franchise =U. *cross fingers for inFAMOUS 3 MULTIPLAYER*. I like the part when I jumped off the building then hover'd then press the SQUARE button then BOOOOM. So cannot wait... Im glad I finished 1 last year.
I have played so much Rock Band the past few days that I am amazed my arms and fingers haven't fallen off yet. Rock Band. I love this game and need to spend it for myself.
Brink (Xbox 360)
Portal 2 (PC)
- NHL 09

You know a game is good when you're still playing it two and a half years after you purchased it. I'm on like the tenth year of my St. Louis Blues dynasty Cool. I'm debating whether or not I should finally upgrade and buy NHL 12 this year ahaha.

I've also been playing Pokemon White and Vanquish sporadically lately.
Oohhh ur a pokemon fan!? You dont seem like it .... Anyways just got off Black Ops Multiplayer using AK74u w/ RAPID FIRE. I OWNS PPL. COME GET ME! And I've been playing inFAMOUS 1 to get ready for inFAMOUS 2. And I restarted the game . 8D thehehehehehehe.
Been gaming more lately... and I restarted Final Fantasy Tactics A2 again (time 3). So that's probably 500 hours (more or less) of 6-on-6 awesome. However, since I have a character who's level 83, as compared with the normal enemy level of 39, the game loses a small amount of its charm. A small amount. Weak people are fun to crush under the heel of a 100-foot summoning from the depths of the Underworld. Wink

Also, I'm back into Ragnarok DS. Whoever says it sucks can shut up. The game is amazing.

And I've been playing some of my other games, too, but not as much. They include: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's WCS 2010, Beyblade: Metal Fusion, and Transformers: RotF Decepticons.
Bulletstorm Epic editon
Blazblue Continuum Shift