Recent Beyblade Purchases

I got this surprises in one of the lot that I bought!!!
All NIP!
Nice purchases man.
Thanks Beyfan! Too many beautiful plastic beys, I think I have about 80+ so farSmile
(Mar. 16, 2011  4:42 PM)Ultrablader Wrote: Nice purchases man.
Thanks man!
Oh my. Those beys look beautiful. Grin
Yesterday i bought lightning l-drago, earth eagle, the rock pegasus 2 pack, and this really awesome lunar eclipse bakushin susanoo. i know they are outdated or whatever but im trying to get every mf beyblade.
(Mar. 15, 2011  4:32 PM)janpegasus Wrote: Electric-How did you manage to get it?
I am trying to get one and its been quite a long time... Its out of stock on ebay.... where did you get it from?

Hobby Link Japan.... really cheap there.
Still cheaper to get it on ebay.
Wow those are some good-looking beys, how do you find/navigate through YJA to find plastics..? :V Perhaps not the proper thread, but still.
Two of those are from a fukobako booster so he didn't have to search hard. Searching the item number is normally the only way or searching a- which is the start of most plastic item codes.
Just picked up Rock Orso and Poison Serpent from Target yesterday.
Picked up a Random Booster 6 from my local store (It isn't a major toy seller, just a minor one) and got Flame Gemios 105CS.
Bought a Drazer keychain bey and a Dragoon keychain bey on ebay for $3 no shipping today.
Just got a Lightning L-Drago so I could use my Beylauncher-L twice in a battle =)
Ok so like Galaxy4Ever bought BB96 for tourney but opend it. WOW so anyways I bought his:

All for $10

Haha lol. But it was a nice purchase x3
Lightning L-Drago stadium
Spiral Blitz 2-pack
Metallic red String Launcher
Draciel G
Dranzer MS
Dranzer S Gold

just bought these from all@korea. my very first plastic generation beyblade purchase! i blame beyfan. my monies!
Nice purchases. Yeah, I blame BeyFan for getting me back into Plastic Gen. beys too.
Oh, come on! Why am I getting all this blame from people getting plastics?!?!?!?! lol

Nice stuff Otsu, always good to branch out a bit.
Its not really a blame as much as an inspiration.

Draciel G is one of my favorite plastic beys.
that's all they had available on their website. otherwise i would've definitely bought more. Pinching_eyes_2
They sell more plastics on eBay, I think. I know they have had Rock Bison and recently put up Dranzer MS. allatkorea operate through michellekim1, gemini2080 and another username...anyway, getting off topic now...
(Mar. 18, 2011  5:55 AM)Dusk Wrote: Its not really a blame as much as an inspiration.
Was only kidding with the blaming stuff...but inspiration does sound a lot better, lol.
Word choice is everything! Hah.

Earlier this year I found a lot on ebay with 14 beys+stadium+14launchers for $20+Shipping. Was about to get it but was out bidded ( My bid was 19.50 winning bid was 20) Unhappy
Dude, that is harsh! Anyway, I'm hoping to be able to report a couple of more purchases...just have to wait for auctions to finish up.
Just received my Grip Support from Dimsum2u! Now going to buy either Basalt or Driger :3.

(Mar. 18, 2011  6:37 AM)BeyFan Wrote: Dude, that is harsh! Anyway, I'm hoping to be able to report a couple of more purchases...just have to wait for auctions to finish up.

Also, are you rich Beyfan.. Seems you can buy alot Tongue_out