Recent Beyblade Purchases

Earth Eagle. Top-Tier Stamina right there Wink oh with Dark bull.
I bought a NIB Hasbro Driger S for $40 CAD, and I love it so much!
Nice, Tiger Defenser is pretty awesome.
SG Metal Change is good too.
I just got a slightly used phantom fox ms(no bit sticker) for a used galaxy pegasis(traded). It hasn't arrived yet, maybe with in a week. I think this was a good trade!
That's not a good trade. It's like one of the least rare and useful HMS.
Storm Aquario and Storm Pegasus. Grin
I know that this is far from being the best bey, but today I got my Gaia/Strata Dragoon MS. Another to add to my collection! But, I purchased this a couple of weeks after a Rock Leone I bought, seems like the Rock Leone has disappeared somewhere in the mail system Unhappy
Just ordered BB-32 and BB-36 Metal Faces from Dimsum2u. Can't wait til he ships it out. :'D
Won a Driger V2 off YJA for $6, not including commission, shipping fees, bank fees, etc. ^^
Bought a Vulcan Horseus and a Dragoon MS!
Recently got these from YJA:

Random booster S
Random booster F
Torch Pegasus x5

God I love YJA!
Haha, why five megablader2 ?
They were in one lot and i've wanted a torch pegasus for ages and it was the easiest and cheapest way to get one. Also i'm selling at least one of them. There were ones even bigger than that by the same seller. Gotta wonder where he got them allChief - Hmm ...
megablader2 and I would make a dangerous combo to mess with. He is the fiery flying horse hoarder, and I'm the dragon emperor hoarder. xD Nice lot megablader2.

I bought another Dragoon V from alcross. It's never been used, but he put all the stickers on them; still awesome though.
Dragoon V would have to be my favourite plastic Bey, mainly because it looks awesome.

Getting one soon ! ^^
Just ordered another Rock tracking this time!!
Shouldn't you wait till the other one arrives first ?
Sometimes shipping can take really long...
Driger v2 and and some battle strikers from my aunt.
attack and defense set. finally got around to it
(Nov. 08, 2010  10:16 AM)blah Wrote: Haha,
Shouldn't you wait till the other one arrives first ?
Sometimes shipping can take really long...
Given up on it, lol. And if I'm stuck with more then one, Christmas Present is ready!
Well getting draceil ms so i can't create my hms defence combo.
Really shouldn't of bought these but couldn't help myself after the UK tourney lol -
Grand Ketos WD145RS
Meteo LDrago LW105LF
Ray Gill 100RSF
I recently bought the rerealese aquario 105f and the aladin corps stadium, I'll finally be able to do good battle vids Wink
Storm Pegasis 105RF
Rock Leone 145WB

My first MFBs!