Random Thoughts

Ominous Wrote:I caused an 8-car pileup all for the sake of candy.

I'm not really a big fan of candy anymore. D=

WOW. That is quite a story...in one sentence. I just hope the people were okay.
Minion Wrote:Being a year (or two) behind in school isn't much fun. Seeing all your friends going to university and getting jobs while you waste away in highschool sucks.

Unless you're in a really crazy awesome school, which I doubt.


i have like one friend at my school

EVERYONE my age i know is a totall dickhead

and artie, i do try really hard lol, not hard enough, but i try
nice isg, even though i don't watch 24.

Amy school, i have a best friend; he is a great guy. I have a bunch of other schoolmates, but I never do anything with them outside of school.

Then I have my other best friend since grade 5/6, we are still very close fortunately and go out together.

The important thing is that you have a true friend, not temporary friends who are just a convenience.

If you think everyone you know is a total dickhead, you need to meet some new people.

Honestly, school is easy to pass. All it requires is minimal effort. What i am more concerned about is actually performing well enough to get into a good uni. I don't like how the system here works, where decisions are forced on people so young.

I have no goals for my future, except i want to get into uni to meet people and have fun.

I have natural academic talent, but i don't have the motivation to extend myself to my potential.

end rant.
gag me with a spoon
Took the car out to my parents house to work on it today.

[Image: Camarowreck3.jpg]

Bodywork's coming along faster than I expected, so I might actually be done by Monday... if, you know, friends don't call me to go to some party and drink... XD
beowulf: gb2drivingschool
Nu... I wanna Guinness world record for crashing cars...
To be fair, I haven't even bothered taking the driving test.
I'm like scared to drive now... plus my sister and my step mom like totally blew it for me since they've both gotten into accidents and it's like draining my dad's money. My permit is expired Uncertain
Beowulf Wrote:Nu... I wanna Guinness world record for crashing cars...

You're still eight behind me.
Crashed that Camaro twice, my old El Camino at least 7 different times(both major and minor, and that number's being modest...), totaled one of my dad's trucks, wrecked his new one, crashed my girlfriend's 350Z once(wasn't my fault, thank God...), and... I can't remember any more right now, but I'm sure there are some...
By "crashed" do you mean involving other vehicles, or random objects/hard surfaces?
Little of both...

Both times with my Camaro I rear-ended pickup trucks... I can't even sort through all the times in the El Camino...

Dad's old totaled Chevy:

An old woman hit me while I was driving the Z.

Also, I crashed my grandma's car into a ditch once(first wreck, 12 years old lol), so there's another...
Why are you still allowed to drive?
Because the Arkansas State Police Department only knows about two of those.
Beowulf Wrote:Because the Arkansas State Police Department only knows about two of those.

carp southerner

we kicked your carp in the civil war lolo

Why does ANYONE THAT LOVES YOU allow you to drive?
That one, I haven't figured out...

I'm beginning to think I'm un-killable though, so I'm hoping for that...
^ carp loved that movie. I loved all of Grindhouse, actually... even the fake previews...
My cousin is quite possibly the cutest baby ever.

And I seriously mean that, some infants look ugly as hell.
I went away for the weekend with my boyfriend and the only non-rude picture I have to show for it, is this one:

[Image: tightropeqy5.th.jpg]

Which is a tightrope-walking violin player in my town and if THAT'S not good enough for you all, then you can carp OFF
Alice Wrote:I went away for the weekend with my boyfriend and the only non-rude picture I have to show for it, is this one:

[Image: tightropeqy5.th.jpg]

Which is a tightrope-walking violin player in my town and if THAT'S good enough for you all, then you can carp OFF

I'm jealous I wish I could do stuff like this.