Random Thoughts

G Wrote:I am not sure at the moment... but there are some trashy white dudes that crank their music when I try to sleep sometimes. I was about to chase them with my metal baseball bat in my boxers once time. (tru story)

if i saw someone chasing me with a lance, i would be pretty intimidated
good idea.
g if you're going to be that crazy asian carp who buys a weapon normal people don't buy

buy a war axe
Getting to 70 in WoW takes like 2.5 weeks. The game is so ridiculously easy for leveling, a retarded monkey could pull it off. With each patch they pretty much put in some new mechanic to make it easier.

In any case, Artie, if I was a man of fewer morals, I'd say send her here if she wasn't your cup of tea. Serious

no, no, that's quite alright (and illegal down here)
hey i know an incredibly hot chick that has a level 70 too,
but she plays at night and doesn't sleep much.
so its still pretty cool.
atleast if you were dating her you know where she'd be
^ That's not holy unless a priest blesses it. And I doubt any would do that. Unless it was like possessed or something.
Damn it Sam, now you made me think if a Priest would bless Mr.Hanky(Hankey?) The Christmas Poo.
This whole message board has taken a twist.....
Sam Wrote:what are you talking about

holy carp AX was amaaazing
I got to touch LM.C
touch them
while they were performing
My phone tells me the best thing about AX was FUNi saving the world of cancelled anime.
Random thought(s) for the day:
WTF happened to my wrist Pinching_eyes
I hate Tesco, They no longer sell Twinings Ceylon Tea, I need my fkn fix dammit!
Kei Wrote:Whooa, this torrential rain came out of nowhere

We probably passed our Wales weather to you. We have torrential rain last week XD
Takao Wrote:My phone tells me the best thing about AX was FUNi saving the world of cancelled anime.

Haha yeah, they acquired all of Geneon's and ADV's titles. I don't know most of the details tho, I wasn't hanging around the FUNi booth all that much (the Bandai Namco booth however...).
Carina Wrote:holy carp AX was amaaazing
I got to touch LM.C
touch them
while they were performing

Did they do 88?

Edit: I just remembered I HAVE MY RINGS!
Current mood: lawling carp off/oww for wrist.