Random Thoughts

i bought some agave nectar as a sweetener for green tea and it is like super yummy but it's also $12 a bottle why am i doing this to myself Unhappy

they didn't have honey and this stuff tastes really nice
holy carp carp we are hooking up guitar hero to the projector at work right now

i can't believe i'm getting paid 11.50 an hour for this
it is INSANE

i'm in training for t-mobile right now and we're so ahead that our instructors hooked it up. if center management came in right now we'd be slaughtered
Sounds kinda like back when I worked at Wal-Mart... Mine and my friends band got started by us dicking around in the stockroom with those cheapass Wal-Mart instruments.
i just failed knights of cydonia on medium Unhappy i haven't played in like a year
crud so much hw/so many tests/volleyball =( i'm carp stressed out
okay i am tired and bored of watching people play GH, can't i just go home
Unhappy sleepy

i've been going to bed so much earlier lately

i want to go home and have some green tea with agave nectar damnit

do you want me to call and tell you about how i didn't do anything today
cheetos Wrote:arrgghh

i feel so depressed


Also Annie wtf is wrong with you? David Bowie is disgusting.
AnnieDuck Wrote:hmm

[Image: david_bowie_space_oddity.jpg]

He looks like a cracked out vampire here.
which i find attractive? ? ?

we can't all like bears
Oh I forgot.

You're into the goth thing.