Random Thoughts

It's just it's been twice now that someone's insulted our relationship. It's not a joke...it's extremely hard to keep a long distant relationship. It's not the idea of falling out of love, but it's hard when you can touch the person, talk face to face with the person. But some reason, people find it EXTREMELY hilarious to torment the couple about that. I understand Chris has his moments...but just...why would you torment someone about the person he loves, just to get back at him?
Pretty sure it was the person who you know, posted the screen?

If it makes you feel better, I went to 4chan (augh) and couldn't find it. So it's already gone technically. Doesn't really excuse it though.
The 4chan thing's been addressed. I just saw to that a moment ago. Folks, let's just drop this thing now. If you've gotta hate on Ichida, keep it an in-house thing, alright? No sense airing our dirty laundry all over the internet.
Diggo-Chan Wrote:It's just it's been twice now that someone's insulted our relationship. It's not a joke...it's extremely hard to keep a long distant relationship. It's not the idea of falling out of love, but it's hard when you can touch the person, talk face to face with the person. But some reason, people find it EXTREMELY hilarious to torment the couple about that. I understand Chris has his moments...but just...why would you torment someone about the person he loves, just to get back at him?

I understand about the long distance thing. Brad and I live on opposite sides of the damn continent, and his work makes it so that we very, very rarely get to talk these days.
Thank you, very much. And Annie, I'm glad you understand the long distant thing. Anyways, just...thank you for getting this all settled out...that's all I'll ask of you for this night.
What the hell is this? Why is it that our community has to drive people away like this? Ichida didn't do anything wrong, and yet we're all picking on him like he's the outcast in elementary school. Every few months, this seems to happen. Jesus, we aren't children. Even if you dislike someone, there's no need to put anybody through this bullying.

I wasn't at AN, so I can't judge what happened. I didn't see it. But even though I didn't, to humiliate someone who has done you no wrong is not only foolish and immature, it's one of the most terrible things you can do to another. Cool it, guys.

edit: posted too late dammit
honestly my only problem with ichida is his constant "cripple" characterization. i know a lot of people who can't walk and its kinda carp up to make yourself sound like a genuine one

if the rest of the hate is for being an otaku, i dont get it. i think its a terrible lifestyle to live, but whatev
AnnieDuck Wrote:Why did you unban him?

I was asked to, and because when I looked back on it there really wasn't much reason to have banned him in the first place.

Although I probably should've just left it. Would've prevented all of this.

But to be clear, I wasn't the one who lifted the ban from Sunday. I lifted the ban that I gave him today. I have no idea who removed the Sunday ban, but I think it might've been Brad.
I am of the opinion that while he does deserve a lot of what was said today, the 4chan thing was just way out of line.
ya 4chan was just way over the top. with his attitude and the whole "cripple" thing he deserves some of what he got but 4chan is just a disgusting place even when using it for jokes.
AnnieDuck Wrote:I am of the opinion that while he does deserve a lot of what was said today, the 4chan thing was just way out of line.


I don't know who posted the 4chan thing. I mean I'll be honest, when he posted what was in the 4chan post originally here on the board I laughed at it because it was sort of... Well, pathetic and sappy.

But I'm not the type of person to post something like that outside of this board. Hell, I don't even visit 4chan. I detest that place, carp breeding ground of retardation.

Also, for those members of the moral squad that are coming down on us right now, I really don't think its necessary. Yes we're all adults and old enough to know how to take care of personal beefs, but when you've tried to settle it with someone countless times and they just keep coming back for more, what the hell else are you supposed to do to get said person to understand?

Particularly when after being banned from future events this person decides to come back to the board and intentionally get on our nerves.

So while I don't think the 4chan post was necessary, you have to admit, he was sort of asking for it. :\
Although he's been banned from Beywiki events, that doesn't mean he's been banned from Beywiki. This isn't just about the 4chan thing, guys. Honestly, take a look around. Ichida's been flamed for just about everything he's ever done on this board. It seems like if he disagrees with majority opinion, he's going to be chastised for it.

Can you really say that it's not too much? Who gives a carp about how he chooses to live his life? Why the hell are we qualified to judge and piss on him for what he likes? Even what he said at AN, he's made it clear that he wasn't trying to aggravate anyone.

I don't know the guy that well, but it should be apparent in anyone's eyes that this is wrong.
I've just kind of given up on being reasonable in the face of his dickery.
Mr. Toto Wrote:Although he's been banned from Beywiki events, that doesn't mean he's been banned from Beywiki. This isn't just about the 4chan thing, guys. Honestly, take a look around. Ichida's been flamed for just about everything he's ever done on this board. It seems like if he disagrees with majority opinion, he's going to be chastised for it.

Can you really say that it's not too much? Who gives a carp about how he chooses to live his life? Why the hell are we qualified to judge and piss on him for what he likes? Even what he said at AN, he's made it clear that he wasn't trying to aggravate anyone.

I don't know the guy that well, but it should be apparent in anyone's eyes that this is wrong.

Listen, you're right. Ichida has been flamed for a lot of stuff around here, but it isn't without reason. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but when you go around flaunting it with such arrogance and in such a condescending manner you're bound to get called out on it. If you look back, nearly every time we've flamed Ichida its been because of his crazy statements. Its not the fact that he disagrees with something that agitates me and quite a few others, its the fact that he backs himself up with ridiculous things and acts as if anything he says is absolutely irrefutable.

I wasn't at AN either so I'm not entirely sure just how severe his behavior was, but everything I've said to him tonight was fueled only by his behavior on the board. While he isn't banned right now, I feel he should be. Really the only reason I even reversed my decision to ban him was because I thought Brad might be upset with me for banning him with so little reasoning behind it.

But I think my reasoning is more than justified. It may not have been his intention to annoy anyone at the actual convention, but if you click back a few pages in this very topic he made it quite clear that he has no real reason to be on this board other than to intentionally get on people's nerves. Here, I'll save you the trouble and put it in a nice little quote box for you:

Ichida Wrote:Just because Brad hates me and misunderstands everything I do? Pleeeeease. If that were any kind of deterrance I would never have joined in the first place.

Ichida Wrote:Oh, I'm well aware. No matter what I do or say here, Beywiki's userbase, both individually, and as a whole, opposes me. I've just stopped caring enough to try to change anyone's mind. I consider it a challenge to my self-confidence as well as a way to numb my sense of self-consciousness.

Its not as if we are looking to pick a fight with him every time he posts something. At least, I'm not. But like I said, Ichida carries himself in such a way that should any of us happen to disagree with anything at all that he says he is some sort of victim and makes it look like we're ganging up on him for no reason.

Well here's the news: It isn't for no reason. I'm really getting tired of everyone preaching to me about morality. It gets old really fast.
ah artie...what would we do without you?
wow i missed alot.
oh well. fun concert =)
Guitar_Legend Wrote:wow i missed alot.
oh well. fun concert =)

what'd you go see
Well, its almost 3 AM here so I'm going to sleep.

I'm going to need the rest for the (likely) inevitable reaming I'm going to get from Brad tomorrow because of all this.

Peace out guys. Try not to kill each other while I'm gone, k?
Artie Wrote:
Guitar_Legend Wrote:wow i missed alot.
oh well. fun concert =)

what'd you go see

poison the well, throwdown, killswitch engage
and some opening band that i forget the name of
pretty br00tal
Uh, sorry Madison about the 4chan post. If it makes you feel better it was only up for a few seconds and then it disappeared. It wasn't that big of a deal. Oh and don't get after anyone else other than me about it, nobody thought it was anything untill you showed up and pointed them to it (other than Blue who is an edit ninja).

Seriously I thought it was extreme that he was banned and all that you guys said about him but I wasn't at AN, what did he do there to get everyone all up in arms?
Doesn't this always happen to our community =/
Composer of Requiems Wrote:Doesn't this always happen to our community =/

Doesn't make it any less irritating and sad.
Artie Wrote:[Image: nsapce08a.jpg]

"One does not kiss and tell"


best post i've read EVER