I'm a compulsive gambler if that says anything.
Random Thoughts 4 -- THIS IS NOT A CHAT ROOM.
(Mar. 18, 2011 9:23 PM)Deikailo Wrote: I'm a compulsive gambler if that says anything.I didn't know the game had anything to do with gambling... I thought you just pass it around to see who gets the bullet. But then again, you're pretty much gambling your life... So, I guess it is gambling.
Deikailo would play. What about the rest? XD
It Was All A Dream I Used To read Word Up Magazine
Love that line. So like Im excited about tommorow. in fact I'll go skate to get it off my mind xD
Love that line. So like Im excited about tommorow. in fact I'll go skate to get it off my mind xD
I officially Jailbroken my iPhone.
HSoTD was very perved.....and Elfen lied started with a scene of a...........very undressed girl. Japanese animes are pretty perved in general
(Mar. 18, 2011 2:15 PM)Kaji Motomiya Wrote: I've been dieting this past week. So far, I've lost...I think 3 lbs (which is a bit of an accomplishment, but I've been done that when I was exercising last November), which is a start. I (partially, due to household rules) follow Catholicism because my mom is Catholic; thus, for the Lenten season (til Easter), I am not allowed to have meat on Fridays. It's not a big deal, since I can now eat Filet-o'-Fish from McDonalds.
While I am set for lunch and dinner, say with sushi or so, I don't have an idea of what to eat for breakfast. Would 1 egg be enough for someone on diet?
First, really great job on the 3 pounds

But no, one egg is not enough. And diets are a NO in the fitness world. Generally, eat foods higher in complex carbs at breakfast, and eat protein later on. That's for weight loss. Eggs with things such as whole wheat toast, a whole wheat tortilla are great. Eggs whites are better than whole eggs; more protein, less fat.
Simple carbohydrates have a bad name. They really don't get as much credit as they deserve. People say no to complex carbs, which really isn't a good thing to do. As long as they're natural- fruits, They're good. Keep the portions proper though.
Read this about breakfast-
Drop the coffee. If you want, I could tell you the whole big reason why, if you want.
Have you been exercising? If you have, you might want to get a little more calories in.
What simple carbs did you sub out? I don't see what was subbed out for complex. You've still got fruits, but I see no grains, except for maybe in the soup.
Only water once a day?
At Least 8 glasses.
(Mar. 18, 2011 9:10 PM)Bey-Heart Wrote: I got wondering today. If me, Nano, To, Deikailo, Dude, and Kai-V were all hanging out together, would they all be willing to play Russian Roulette with me? (With a Nerf gun.) XDMe in! But only if we use my guns. Mine are modded. That means more pain, and more fun!!
I don't know what gave me this idea? I tried calling up my friend Mabe to see if him and everyone else wanted to do that tonight. But he didn't answer... So I guess we won't...
I'm with Dani. I can gamble all day long if I wanted to...
As promised, I posted pictures...of the dog. It's in the Pictures thread, so go nuts. I'm gonna lie down....NYC is ALWAYS tiring...
I didn't think you guys would answer, and that makes MY MUSCLES BULDGE!!...ahem, pardon me. That was a line I used in the new update of my comic, and it stuck with me for the day. It makes me laugh when I need it.
But yeah, I only had a bowl of scrambled eggs mixed with probably half a cup of white rice. It was good enough; I didn't wanna get too full, and I had water the rest of the day. Though, I had sushi to keep up the Lent "no meat" thing today...which isn't bad. I think I just had a bit too much (two rolls worth...).
Seriously, furrilz. Thanks for replying. I don't wake up early enough for breakfast mostly, but when I do, at least I know what to eat.
(Mar. 18, 2011 7:25 PM)Deikailo Wrote: It depends on what your calorie intact is. Eggs are actually the best source of protein for the least amount of fat.
I've been dieting on and off for the past year and I've lost about 25 pounds. My diet as been..
Breakfast = coffee, one yogurt with skim milk, fruit
Lunch =soup, gluten free protein bar, unsweetened tea
Dinner = white meat, vegetables, water
I've substituted simple carbs with complex carbs, eliminated simple sugars altogether, and focused on protein. It's a great way to diet if you're interested.
(Mar. 18, 2011 11:57 PM)SSJfisherman Wrote: First, really great job on the 3 pounds
But no, one egg is not enough. And diets are a NO in the fitness world. Generally, eat foods higher in complex carbs at breakfast, and eat protein later on. That's for weight loss. Eggs with things such as whole wheat toast, a whole wheat tortilla are great. Eggs whites are better than whole eggs; more protein, less fat.
Simple carbohydrates have a bad name. They really don't get as much credit as they deserve. People say no to complex carbs, which really isn't a good thing to do. As long as they're natural- fruits, They're good. Keep the portions proper though.
Read this about breakfast-
I didn't think you guys would answer, and that makes MY MUSCLES BULDGE!!...ahem, pardon me. That was a line I used in the new update of my comic, and it stuck with me for the day. It makes me laugh when I need it.
But yeah, I only had a bowl of scrambled eggs mixed with probably half a cup of white rice. It was good enough; I didn't wanna get too full, and I had water the rest of the day. Though, I had sushi to keep up the Lent "no meat" thing today...which isn't bad. I think I just had a bit too much (two rolls worth...).
Seriously, furrilz. Thanks for replying. I don't wake up early enough for breakfast mostly, but when I do, at least I know what to eat.
I had french toast (Is it actually french?). I had to get up at 6:00 to shower, brush my teeth, eat, and all of that good stuff you need to do to prepare for school.
Heres a thought. It's an eternal paradox: Everything I say is a lie.
Just chew on that one for a while
Heres a thought. It's an eternal paradox: Everything I say is a lie.
Just chew on that one for a while

It's pretty simple when you just accept it's a paradox.
(Mar. 18, 2011 10:42 PM)Sparta Wrote: HSoTD was very perved.....and Elfen lied started with a scene of a...........very undressed girl. Japanese animes are pretty perved in general
i know right like in the first episode of medabots when ikki's mom jumps into his bed i was like ew, and then i was like this is a kid's show that's not right and then ikki was like mom what are you doing and then the scene ended
Spoiler (Click to View)
(Mar. 19, 2011 12:41 AM)Kaji Motomiya Wrote: I didn't think you guys would answer, and that makes MY MUSCLES BULDGE!!...ahem, pardon me. That was a line I used in the new update of my comic, and it stuck with me for the day. It makes me laugh when I need it.
But yeah, I only had a bowl of scrambled eggs mixed with probably half a cup of white rice. It was good enough; I didn't wanna get too full, and I had water the rest of the day. Though, I had sushi to keep up the Lent "no meat" thing today...which isn't bad. I think I just had a bit too much (two rolls worth...).
Seriously, furrilz. Thanks for replying. I don't wake up early enough for breakfast mostly, but when I do, at least I know what to eat.
no white rice. Go with brown rice. White rice is brown rice with all the good stuff stripped down and off. Brown rice is a boatload better for you, white rice is not good for you.
Make sure you eat every 2-3 hours. It'll keep your metabolism up, keep you fuller longer, and will in the end make you eat less.
And deikailo, I forgot to say, you need to eat more frequently. Breakfast, lunch, dinner is not enough. Eat a small snack between each meal. Like I just said to kaji, eat every 2-3 hours.
Cydia trolls me so, I am such a noob with jailbreaking.....
I JUST RAN OUT OF APPLESAUCE!!!!!!!! again my sister(who is 17) ate my last cup and now im peeved at her cause she wont buy me any more.
(Mar. 19, 2011 4:55 AM)hitman-tutor Wrote: I JUST RAN OUT OF APPLESAUCE!!!!!!!! again my sister(who is 17) ate my last cup and now im peeved at her cause she wont buy me any more.

I'm spending the night at my friends house tomorrow! All night gaming marathon, pizza and yo-yos. Can't wait

(Mar. 19, 2011 5:07 AM)Nano Wrote:(Mar. 19, 2011 4:55 AM)hitman-tutor Wrote: I JUST RAN OUT OF APPLESAUCE!!!!!!!! again my sister(who is 17) ate my last cup and now im peeved at her cause she wont buy me any more.
You make such a big deal out of APPLE SAUCE! And I thought I was crazy.....
I'm spending the night at my friends house tomorrow! All night gaming marathon, pizza and yo-yos. Can't wait
How funny, my friend is spending the night at my house tomorrow too. We will spam games and pizza rolls. And he's gonna open the Gravity Perseus he got!
OMG She's whimpering SO loud, but she whimpers when we TURN OFF THE LIGHT TO SLEEP!! *headdesk*
This...will be funny....
This...will be funny....
Today during 4th period, my teacher kept on singing "Friday" I automatically thought "This is what To posted on WBO"
I hope that makes you feel warm inside To.
I hope that makes you feel warm inside To.
(Mar. 19, 2011 6:46 AM)Nano Wrote: Today during 4th period, my teacher kept on singing "Friday" I automatically thought "This is what To posted on WBO"
I hope that makes you feel warm inside To.
Speaking of this, I posted this on her channel : We would have all liked Beiber if we had known this was our future! And guess what?
Spoiler (Click to View)
Here's another paradox: What if Pinnochio said "My nose will grow"?
And check this out! ANUTFORAJAROFTUNA. The sentence is a nut for a jar of tuna, but you can also get the same sentence saying it backwards! ANUTFORAJAROFTUNA->ANUTFORAJAROFTUNA
And check this out! ANUTFORAJAROFTUNA. The sentence is a nut for a jar of tuna, but you can also get the same sentence saying it backwards! ANUTFORAJAROFTUNA->ANUTFORAJAROFTUNA
I think you found a new palindrome!
(Mar. 20, 2011 1:02 AM)greimatter Wrote: [Image: zybzon.png]That's weird. The only weird part is that it was straight one's. It the number above it was 66, it would have been even weirder. XD Lol.
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