Random Thoughts 2: ok, more like misc. thoughts


what the hell are shamwows
Today has been so insane. I'm pretty sure I've felt every emotion on the spectrum in one day.


Pretty much sums today up.
Just thinking..
Be glad HMS ended when it did.
Because we would of gotten MV Mv2 Metal G and Metal GT
plz dont warn me i wanna know if this sig is legil in size or no,if not i will change it immediatly
(Dec. 04, 2008  9:08 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: SIGNATURE RULES
  • The general rule is, "If the signature is taller than most of your posts, you can't use it." The smaller the signature, the better. 200 pixels is about as high as you should consider going. Signatures that are deemed to be in violation will be deleted by staff without warning.

Your sig is fine...
My cat die this morning, I just got cat too, it replace older cat who past away years ago Crying I don't know what wrong, cat has all shots/vacines, but at like 1 AM she cries make me wake up, vet closed. I find her alive, but she no move, she end up dying in my arms. Unhappy
That's so sad....;__; At least she died with you.....
(Jan. 03, 2009  10:42 PM)NoMoreHeroes Wrote: My cat die this morning, I just got cat too, it replace older cat who past away years ago Crying I don't know what wrong, cat has all shots/vacines, but at like 1 AM she cries make me wake up, vet closed. I find her alive, but she no move, she end up dying in my arms. Unhappy

sorry to hear it, that sucks.
(Jan. 03, 2009  10:42 PM)NoMoreHeroes Wrote: My cat die this morning, I just got cat too, it replace older cat who past away years ago Crying I don't know what wrong, cat has all shots/vacines, but at like 1 AM she cries make me wake up, vet closed. I find her alive, but she no move, she end up dying in my arms. Unhappy

Oh God I'm sorry. Unhappy
my dog is barely alive, I mean he have blood coming out of his penis, throwing up and the pills the doctor gave my mom isn't working so we maybe got to put him down
If this dog die then we will only have one dog and he 10 year old already and he is my childhood dog so if he die then we maybe won't be getting any more dogs
Sorry about your cat dude! Unhappy
I say get another dog if your dog passes soon. It better to pour love into another living thing then to forever mourn over those who are no longer here.

I got her when I went to animal shelter with friend for her puppy, I said before I was not getting a new cat, but then I saw her there in cage, she looked so sad.
A truer word was never said. Also, thats how we get most of our cats. Smile
That's how I got my second puppy and my cat. They were(now their ugly XD) so cute. Sorry about your cat, though.
I wish ideal would stock up on Libra' a 3 month wait is carp insane.

Oh and im sorry for your losses.
(Jan. 04, 2009  4:25 AM)Jehuis Rad Wrote: I wish ideal would stock up on Libra' a 3 month wait is carp insane.

Oh and im sorry for your losses.

Yeah I've been watching, it's ridiculous.
I know, I've been waiting forever so I'm giving up and getting Bull instead.
(Jan. 04, 2009  3:01 AM)yruahippo Wrote: A truer word was never said. Also, thats how we get most of our cats. Smile

lol, not for me

Both of my cats AND my hermit crab (yes, my hermit crab ) were found out on the streets. Luckily, all three are healthy.

My older dog was a rescue, too. My youngest (and latest) dog is the only pet I've ever had that we've gotten that wasn't some stray.

Also, sorry for your losses, NoMoreHeroes and LeoAgressive. It's hard when a pet dies, and just as hard, if not harder, when you have to put a pet down. I've had to put all four of my previous pets down, it's not fun.

Truly, I'm sorry.
hermit crab? street hermit crab?

must be hard for him to come out of his shell