Random Thoughts

reminds me of something. when i was in bahrain we went to one of those "classy" restaurants. my mom told me to try the cream of mushroom, i did. they asked if i wanted a topping i said sure. without hesitation i took a spoonfull, it was mushrooms in a bowl of milk with kechup on it. my taste buds will never be the same again ;_;
(Sep. 02, 2008  1:46 AM)-WOLF- Wrote: reminds me of something. when i was in bahrain we went to one of those "classy" restaurants. my mom told me to try the cream of mushroom, i did. they asked if i wanted a topping i said sure. without hesitation i took a spoonfull, it was mushrooms in a bowl of milk with kechup on it. my taste buds will never be the same again ;_;

reminds me of the funniest things I ever saw. Me and my family went to a fancy resaurant for breakfast. My dad gets a Belgin waffle. Now they had a topping bar where you can put whatever you want on it.

Well my dad saw what looked like to be Ice cream in scoops on the side so my dad puts like 5 scoops on his waffle. Well we go back and my dad starts eating. He explains that the Icecream tastes funny.

All of a sudden the waitress coms by and asks why my Dada is eating strait Butter... I have never laughed harder in my life X.x
So this was my cottage weekend (pictures to follow later)...

Saturday morning I picked up my four friends and we drove for about three hours deep into an isolated part of Ontario where we couldn't get cell phone reception (much to our discontent). Before actually getting to the cottage, we stopped in town ten minutes away to pick up supplies (re: a lot of beer, stuff for s'mores, and lots of meat for the barbecue). When we got to the cottage, my fifth friend was there with his family (in a neighbouring cabin) waiting for us. After unloading everything, we cracked open the beer and barbecued some hamburgers and pork cutlets (really large ones, too... soooooo good).

Afterward, we looked around along the lake to see what was up. We had rented two boats, so we decided to go in teams of three and race to this small island in the middle of the lake. In my boat, I took the job of directing while the other two rowed. We beat the other guys to the island, and upon disembarking and looking around, I suggested that we come back later and have a bonfire to roast marshmallows late at night. Everyone agreed this was a good idea.

As we were heading back, my two friends - who were still fresh at rowing - kept splashing me lightly now and then due to their erratic rowing. I couldn't take it anymore and began cupping my hands into the lake and splashing cold water back at them. My one friend, being a stickler for one-upping, stood up, took the oar and beat it mercilessly into the water, drenching me. When we got back, everyone else was perplexed as to why I was so wet and had a good chuckle. After I dried off, we played some poker. I'm apparently on the aggressive side with that game, but no one can seem to read me as I act randomly.

We watched American Gangster (I never saw it before - good movie) until it was dark outside. We got our supplies and headed off to the boats in the dead of night, with only two flashlights to guide us. We quietly rowed to the island, looking at all the other parties happening at nearby cottages. When we got to the island, we stripped off branches from virtually every tree and placed it in one pile along with some newspaper that we brought along. My two friends (the ones that live in the same building as me) are such pyromaniacs. They were so engaged in trying to get this fire going. To their satisfaction, we created a fire about 6 feet tall. The fire was chaotic and nearly spread to the surrounding trees, which would have lit the entire place on fire. We roasted some marshmallows, and drank some beer while looking out at the beautiful, starry sky just before heading back.

When we got home, one of our friends stupidly threw up in the sink (though he could have easily made it to the toilet or outside). As such, we all scolded him for it. We had him sleep in the same bed as one of the other guys. Apparently the one he was in bed with was speaking to himself in his sleep in Hungarian all night long and snoring like a monster. We joked later on that he snored like Batman (SWEAR TO ME).

The following morning after we all got dressed and what not, we had another barbecue, played some more poker (I lost some more), and then went fishing. I didn't catch anything, but a couple of my friends caught really nicely sized pikes. According to our friend who always comes to this place during the summer, the family that owns the resort has a girl he's been sort of intimate with, and she has a bunch of friends. No matter how much we kept coaxing our friend to get those girls to come out with us in the night and have a bonfire party, but he kept saying how we'd just steal all the girls away. Pffft, spoilsport...

We took a trek out into the forest and found lots of logs we could use for firewood (for a more controlled fire). We got bitten by bugs galore and are hands were terribly splintered.

In the evening watched Hostel 2 (again I never saw it before, but this movie was horrible), just before we set out again to the island with the stuff for the s'mores and the firewood we collected. Our friend's older brother drunkenly joked that this was our "Brokeback Island", because we were so stoked about it. The water was a lot more still today, so we took our time to enjoy the quiet and calm of the lake while looking up at the sky. As I was looking towards the big dipper, I saw a series of shooting stars, which was really awesome to look at.

The fire we created today was a lot easier to maintain, so we had some beer and made our s'mores, which turned out fantastic. Our friend's brother and his friends made their way to the island on their motorboat to see what we were up to (and to mooch off of our beer). My pyromaniac friends continued to find everything and anything to torch, and even went as far as trying to burn dead trees where they stood. They were disappointed that the entire place didn't go up in flames.

Anyway, we headed back and quickly went to sleep. All in all, the trip was a good change of pace. While I missed having technology, it was a good time bonding with my friends in a natural environment.

tl;dr - I had a lot of fun this past weekend with my friends at the cottage.
(Sep. 02, 2008  2:21 AM)Artie Wrote: so how much carp did you suck


That was the first thing I asked him as well.
You're just disappointed that there wasn't any of that in the story. Tongue_out_wink
I'm disappointed that there WAS and you just won't spill the beans, McBetch.
not in the version we get, anyway
I'm no Puss McGuss, babe.

If there was a daisy chain, I'd have made sure to mention it.
I'll invite you next time. I'm sure you're interested.
(Sep. 02, 2008  2:35 AM)Ominous Wrote: I'll invite you next time. I'm sure you're interested.

[Image: motivator3111420.jpg]
I hate my mouse, every other click is a double-click
(Sep. 02, 2008  3:43 AM)Artie Wrote:
(Sep. 02, 2008  2:35 AM)Ominous Wrote: I'll invite you next time. I'm sure you're interested.

[Image: motivator3111420.jpg]

Aww what was it?
*Currently lawling at the fact i'm playing a children's card game on my DS and beating everyone with such a simple deck XD*
(Sep. 02, 2008  8:12 AM)Gekiryu Wrote: *Currently lawling at the fact i'm playing a children's card game on my DS and beating everyone with such a simple deck XD*

Going by that little reference, you're playing Yu-Gi-Oh, which really isn't hard to win at.
hey so uh

you don't need to say "random thought" at the beginning of a post in here

it's just, you know, an ot thread
(Sep. 02, 2008  11:48 AM)AnnieDuck Wrote: hey so uh

you don't need to say "random thought" at the beginning of a post in here

it's just, you know, an ot thread

nobody has to know this post took you like two minutes to write, baby
Noooo, back to school today.
Have they used that Atom Smasher thing already? They said they'd turn it on like in late August, I hope its done already because im still pretty scared that they could make a black hole and rip apart the Earth.
(Sep. 02, 2008  12:15 PM)Kei Wrote: Noooo, back to school today.

Same, except I'm happy about it, I had a pretty terrible summer, so yeah. School starts at 12 Today.
(Sep. 02, 2008  12:16 PM)Sega Wrote: Have they used that Atom Smasher thing already? They said they'd turn it on like in late August, I hope its done already because im still pretty scared that they could make a black hole and rip apart the Earth.

Oh Jesus, I honestly thought you were talking about some Yu-Gi-Oh! card there for a second.
Hey guys, go make a Yu-Gi-Oh thread plzkthnx.
(Sep. 02, 2008  11:48 AM)Bey Brad Wrote:
(Sep. 02, 2008  11:48 AM)AnnieDuck Wrote: hey so uh

you don't need to say "random thought" at the beginning of a post in here

it's just, you know, an ot thread

nobody has to know this post took you like two minutes to write, baby

f u
My job interview today went well. I'm supposed to go there next Monday for a medical checkup and then back on Tuesday for the final interview, plus getting shown around the place, meeting my supervisors, etc. If I do get it, I'll be working from 7am to 4pm, at least for now.
Gonna be tough getting used to wake up so early now.