Random Beyblade Anime and Manga Thoughts

Apologies if it's been explained, I did a quick search and couldn't find the answer.
But, is it ever said what the time frame between Ryuusei "dying" (and Ryuuga getting Lightning L Drago) and Phoenix appearing is?

I have no idea how much time is supposed to have passed between the two events, and it kind of bugs me.
In the Chinese OP, one of the line is "Be brave, Be brave" which is supposed to be "Beyblade, Beyblade"


The Chinese version is weird.
(Apr. 26, 2010  1:30 PM)DranzerX13 Wrote: In the Chinese OP, one of the line is "Be brave, Be brave" which is supposed to be "Beyblade, Beyblade"


The Chinese version is weird.

We listen to this every Thursday and Friday.
The lyrics are awful.
In the CoroCoro special, Ginga and the others have to fight "yami no gundan" : the 'military group' of darkness ... They basically only have dark recolours with a skull Face.

Those "Yami no Gundan" kinda look like the Klu Klux Klan, if you ask me...
So the "Army of Darkness" comprises of 100 Bladers.

"...100 mysterious Bladers that target Ginga, who is journeying the world!?..."

Apparently, in the special, Ginga uses a new Special Spin Move named "Stardust Driver"
that move ginga uses sounds sorta cool,but why is there an ms draciel toy but not one on the show?and arent all the characters on metal fight like the kids of the old characters?i dont remember where i heard that but someone quoted it on another site.
(May. 10, 2010  2:14 AM)defensiveblader Wrote: and arent all the characters on metal fight like the kids of the old characters?i dont remember where i heard that but someone quoted it on another site.
Not at all. Both casts of characters are not even in the same universe.
Some of the Yami no Gundan special issue is available online :
Anyone noticed that while all the other blades in the series apart from lightning L drago show an element when they attack but Lightning L drago really doesn't. Just the purple stuff. Also I hope we see the owner(forgotten name) in the series again.
Oh, if any admin wants to add rules to this topic, then just edit my OP =D. I'm still on MFB, the episode after Phoenix gets introduced. Yuu's an odd character. He blades for Dark Nebula but makes friendly conversation with Ginga and crew haha...?
(May. 15, 2010  4:41 PM)megablader2 Wrote: Anyone noticed that while all the other blades in the series apart from lightning L drago show an element when they attack but Lightning L drago really doesn't. Just the purple stuff. Also I hope we see the owner(forgotten name) in the series again.

I think it means "dark"

also could someone tell me what the latest episode that has been subbed?
(May. 17, 2010  2:12 AM)Jsc Wrote: also could someone tell me what the latest episode that has been subbed?
I forgot to mention, the group the "Army of Darkness" belongs to is called the "Black Steel Gang/Team Black Steel" (黒鉄団 Kurogane-dan), based on the info from the scans.
(May. 18, 2010  10:35 PM)Cpt. Squirrel Wrote: Was there ever a series about HMS/were there plans for one?
G Revolution ? Perhaps there were plans for more than one season, however sales were poor.
(May. 18, 2010  10:38 PM)Kai-V Wrote:
(May. 18, 2010  10:35 PM)Cpt. Squirrel Wrote: Was there ever a series about HMS/were there plans for one?
G Revolution ? Perhaps there were plans for more than one season, however sales were poor.

My bad. I didn't find any information in the HMS article.
Has anyone noticed how they use Master Dragoon and Master Draciel as "junk beyblades" in V-force season?
I mean in every fight with random people those people use these two blades and always get annihilated by almost every blade there is.
In my opinion the truth is different. I use a Master Dragoon and my friend uses Master Draciel and those are pretty good blades even uncustomized, actually they are more than good, they're excellent. We've been kicking the carp out of the HMS blades, not to mention the plastic ones.
when im watching beyblade idk why but when a blade gets knocked out and lands up-side down i get really excited but if it lands tilted like you set it down it seems less realistic.
So how old do you think the characters are?
I'd say Ginga is about 14, Kenta is about 10, Madoko is like 13, Benkei is like 16,17, and Kyouya is Ginga's age.
(May. 24, 2010  10:21 PM)OkiBlader Wrote: So how old do you think the characters are?
I'd say Ginga is about 14, Kenta is about 10, Madoko is like 13, Benkei is like 16,17, and Kyouya is Ginga's age.
Most of these are very wrong. There are in fact no actual ages, however Adachi Takafumi guided me with a few characters' age :
Those that I wrote are those that Adachi Takafumi told me about. Otherwise, I usually write nothing, because the information simply does not exist.
Here's a random thought.

I was watching some of the subbed MFB episodes and noticed a reoccurring trend: every problem can be solved with a beybattle.

I'm sure someone has pointed this out at some point, but seriously. Maybe it's because I'm watching this stuff when I'm a bit older.
Well this is an anime about spinning tops. It's the same in yugioh.

Now that said that I also noticed something odd about Metal fight beyblade I remember in episode 26 Daidouji's door slide opened like those automatic doors but then in episode 42 when Yuu was looking for people to beyblattle with it opened like a regular door. Is that even possilbe?