RWBY is a new anime like series from Rooster Teeth created by Monty Oum, which is set to premiere at RTX 2013 in July. So far, 3 trailers are out with only the "Yellow" one yet to be unveiled.

"Red" Trailer:

"White" Trailer:

"Black" Trailer:

Love the animation and the music is amazing and beautiful. Ruby's and Weiss's trailers were the best, especially Ruby's so over the top and awesome with her Sniper Scythe (Crescent Rose).
I guess the voice acting and lines in Blake's trailer brought it down a bit. Hope they work on that for the final release.

You can read some more here from Monty about how it began:

Also, interview with RWBY crew at PAX East 2013:!
Ah, another Masterpiece from Monty Oum. I'm currently leaning to White or Black as my faves. Just like another Monty Oum creation (Dead Fantasy) This is filled with action!

Looking forward to this series!
I showed this to my friends, Red is my favorite with Black coming in a very close second place. The choreography and music are just amazing. I cannot wait for Yellow to come out. Red is very reminiscent of his earlier work, Haloid.
Yellow's trailer is out:

The fighting is sweet again, but she doesn't seem to have her own music theme yet, instead they just remixed the other girls' themes from the previous trailers.
Ruby's voice at the end...bad, really bad, soooo annoying. I swear the trailers were better when they didn't talk =(

Also, Jack voicing that Junior guy rofl that's the first Roosterteeth/Achievement Hunter guy whose voice I noticed.
Best RWBY trailer out of the 4. She is incredibly bad@carp. And Monty's animation has really kicked up a notch since the RWBY Red reveal. Excellent work Rooster Teeth Grin
First episode is out:

Ruby Rose

Ruby's voice is a lot better now =) Excited for more.
All the voice acting seems to be up a notch, especialy for Blake's. Speaking of, episode 2 is out.

Cannot wait for more. One of the higher quality webseries out there
Almost a year since this thread was active......and it seems I was even the last poster

Anyway, Season 2 is well under way. Everything in the ante has been "up'd" so to speak...animation quality in fights is still tops, and the animation outside of fights still needs work but has improved. Soundtrack is still an amazing sample of great alternative rock music. New characters, weapons, and overall episodes have been lengthened and improved, making this season far better than the first. It seems that the show is using this season to eventually begin exploring the world later on once things unfold, which is something I am greatly looking forward too.
After watching the trailers...ha. Looks pretty damn cool.
Already I like the 'female fighters' motif, and the characters are something I'd think out of my imagination, haha.
R- Girl is really cool with the scythe and gun combo. "Little red riding hood", she is not.
W- Girl seems...okay? A rapier doesn't seen that great to use though.
B- Girl is kinda lack luster on the weaponry...although the motif of swords VS robots is something I'm fond of.
Y- Girl is actually my favorite. I like the deception of "pretty girl" that's actually badass. Gauntlets with bullet shots is unique and something insanely cool. Again, easily my favorite.