(Mar. 16, 2012 2:24 PM)Janstarblast Wrote: ???
First off, who gave you that combination? Never heard of it being a good Defense combo... But well-
Well, advantage is of two types, financial or competitive.
For financial advantage-
MF 2 set.
Duo Uranus
Dark Bull/Midnight Bull
Beat Lynx
Ray Gil
For Competitive Advantage-
MF 2 Set
Duo Uranus
Dark Bull
Beat Lynx
Blitz Unicorno
I got it from the top tier list: 'Metal Face/Metal Face-Heavy Duo Bull/Kerbecs/Aquario BD145/TH170 RDF/RS/RSF/CS'
If that isnt a good combination what is? Also is the clear beystadium 1 worth buying for testing?