[Product]  BB-47 Earth Aquila 145WD

TAKARA-TOMY's pictures were added on the official website, and they seem to say that Earth has a good weight ... We will see.

Now that I look more closely, Earth Wheel looks more like the Pre-HWS Pegasis's wheel with 4 of it's sides instead of three.
(Sep. 15, 2009  2:45 PM)フェルグラント Wrote: Now that I look more closely, Earth Wheel looks more like the Pre-HWS Pegasis's wheel with 4 of it's sides instead of three.

... Wut!?

I don't see this being heavier than Libra. There's not even enough room in the HWS designable area.
I thought Aquila was a Defence Type How is it a Balance type:\
(Sep. 15, 2009  7:58 PM)Blade Wing Wrote: I thought Aquila was a Defence Type How is it a Balance type:\

Explain how it's not?

The type classifications are pretty arbitrary, but it seems middling between Defense and Stamina.
I just hope there's something about Earth, be it the mold, weight distribution, anything that'll allow it to see some use and maybe spice up the MFB competitive side of things.

I too doubt it'll be heavier than Libra especially with the weight restrictions. The anime concept of the combo was to be a bit of a Stamina/Defense type. If it matters, the Takara-Tomy list puts it as an Endurance type, which could be an indicator that is contrary to my own theory.

It seems the weight restrictions might gear their releases to allowing MFB like Earth to be used with a Metal Face and C145 and be just at or barely below their weight restrictions.

Interesting how they're not listing Quetz 90WF at all.
If I am right, the holes should reduce physical contact when the beyblade is weakened and let it survive longer like HF.

Boxart ... They're starting to appear on YJA now.
(Sep. 18, 2009  10:40 AM)フェルグラント Wrote: If I am right, the holes should reduce physical contact when the beyblade is weakened and let it survive longer like HF.

Do you mean it reduces the area of contact, and hence friction?

I doubt such a miniscule reduction would make a discernable difference ...
And I was referring to your... 'theory'.

How do holes in a BOTTOM reduce physical contact? Uncertain
@ Felfrand
The holes won't improve stamina or any spin time, since most of the friction only occurs on the center. If any that only reduces the defense capability.
When the bey using WD weakens, it will be unable to maintain it's balance and the sides of WD will support it and try to survive, that's where "my theory" comes in, and also, the holes may reduce wind resistance, not really noticable though, and yeah, the defense capability is reduced because of the holes.
Holes would increase wind resistance.
^Then why a parachute with a hole falls faster than a parachute with no holes?
(Sep. 19, 2009  12:30 AM)フェルグラント Wrote: ^Then why a parachute with a hole falls faster than a parachute with no holes?

(Sep. 19, 2009  12:30 AM)フェルグラント Wrote: ^Then why a parachute with a hole falls faster than a parachute with no holes?
Actually, a parachute with a hole in its center will have increased stability and should therefore not fall as quickly as one without holes. This is of course mostly true for round parachutes. And obviously the hole needs to be cut at a strategic place. However, this has little to do with spinning tops, and I actually think having more surface of contact would be better to recover from a loss of balance, but I am not fifty-percent certain about that.
(Sep. 18, 2009  1:16 PM)フェルグラント Wrote: and also, the holes may reduce wind resistance, not really noticeable though,

You see, when it comes to wind resistance, the best thing would've been to leave the bottom completely circular without any holes, this giving the part the least amount of surface area open to the air. Adding holes for the purpose of decreasing wind resistance would be counter productive, in my opinion. Most likely the only reason for the holes is what crimson said before about checking to see if the bottom is securely attached.

Something that i want to know about this bottom though, is if it is hollow like WB, or actually filled in. Also, would the "10 degree" slope on Earth be useful for anything really? I remember escolpio has something similar... I want to see somebody put this on a low track, and if anything would come out of it. My gut tells me this is nothing though.
Well it's coming out tomorrow our time and it's already the 19th in Asia so yeah. As soon as I get Earth Aquila I'll give you the info of its overall performence against my Battle Strikers.
(Sep. 19, 2009  3:05 AM)pie Wrote: Well it's coming out tomorrow our time and it's already the 19th in Asia so yeah. As soon as I get Earth Aquila I'll give you the info of its overall performence against my Battle Strikers.
... I think we will be more interested to learn about its performance against other Beyblades, not Battle Strikers ... They are not the same game.
Why test against battle strikers?

Edited: beaten!
What those Earth weel's 10 degree angle do ?
(Sep. 19, 2009  3:40 AM)Blade Wing Wrote: What those Earth weel's 10 degree angle do ?

What? Speechless
(Sep. 19, 2009  3:42 AM)Aqua Wrote: What? Speechless
on beyblade spirit.com it said that the Earth Metal Wheel was at a 10 Degree angle