[Product]  BB-100 Random Booster Vol. 6 Killer Beafowl UW145EWD

EWD is probably gonna be like ES. I'll wait for the Sonokong because RBs cost a lot. Plus sometimes, the beys we expect to get don't come.
Picked up two of these today. Opened the first one, I got Burn Sagittario 105HF. I was like "meh."

Opened the second one, and guess what I got? (Click to View)
See?! lol. You should have picked 4, so it's guaranteed that you'll get it.
@Oki: I guess you're selling them.
I Reckon if you buy 16 boxes of the random boosters , you will find a Killer Beafowl ..
Are SonoKong Products Fake ?
( Sorry If its off Topic )
Sonokong products are real so you should just wait for the sonokong starter which will be much cheaper and you'll definatly get the blade.
Plus, it comes with a launcher.
yes i will just have too wait .. Uncertain

how long did it take for sonokong to release Grand ketos ?
A few weeks I guess.
Galaxy Saggitario...kinda weird Chocked_2
Galaxy Sagittario is the beyblade I have my eye on the most.
I ordered the Burn Elscorpio, I don't have the Burn Wheel yet and having an extra 100 & RF shouldn't hurt Smile
It would really suck if every piece on this beyblade was awful...
At least it has pretty colors
(Dec. 28, 2010  10:26 PM)DranzerX13 Wrote: Picture of the Booster Vol.6, and official spelling:

[Image: o0800056010946310577.jpg]

The image doesn't work, at least for me.
not for me either

We know what the official spelling is anyway ... It has been on TAKARA-TOMY's website for days.
Beafowl...On beywiki it was written as Peafowl and peafowl means a peacock...Means based on Pavo constellation
(Dec. 28, 2010  10:56 PM)Kai-V Wrote: http://stat001.ameba.jp/user_images/2010...310577.jpg

We know what the official spelling is anyway ... It has been on TAKARA-TOMY's website for days.

Hy the link says forbidden
I think this RB is the most useful, it has RF, Burn...

Dont think anyone posted this yet but i seen this, has great pics of the parts and bey
Damn... EWD seems to be just as tall as the VS bottom. Possible balance issues?
(Dec. 30, 2010  2:52 AM)Fyuuor Wrote: Damn... EWD seems to be just as tall as the VS bottom. Possible balance issues?

You mean AS.
It may seem tall but that might be its advantage. Take a look at this... apparently it can actually stand when it is completely depleted of spin...

Also some comparison Pics of ES, WD, and EWD

WD can do this as well. Just not very commonly seen during a battle or solo spin depending on the weight of the wheel.