Commie, yes but he also sells the real things
Poseidons selling thread .Plastic Explosion !!! most platics $15 or £8
You have a PM!!!
re bump
no chance anybody wants to trade ?
massive bump
bump cmon ive got tons of new stuff people
added price to a few
bump the prices are negotiable
pics have been added to the op
Bump and i have added stuff
bump rare hms combo pics up tom !
bump might put stuff on ebay soon if nobody wants ...
Is the HMS grip still up, or did someone get it?
Is the HMS grip still up, or did someone get it?
I never putone up but if you are intrested can get you one cheap
massive bump!!!!!!!!! check the OP
(Jan. 31, 2011 7:23 PM)poseidon Wrote:Welcome to my shop
Selling most of the following check put the vid
highlites include
spike lizard (mint)
dragoon s (silver) lightly used
draciel f (black with a plated red wide surviver)
clear dragoon f with blue parts with plated wide surviver
uriel mint
And tons more !!!!!!
i watched your video..grat items..but the one you mentioned as uriel 2 is just uriel actually..
sorry my mistake i thought that uriel 2 didn't have any rubber tip
Um trygator is quite rare so it should be a highlight.
thanks there quite a few others should i take some photos