Poll: BeyLauncher+Grip: Horizantal launch or Vertical launch?

Poll: BeyLauncher+Grip: Horizantally or Vertically?

Mix of both
Total: 100% 59 vote(s)
I wanted to know if the majority of the bladers with BeyLaunchers and grips launch vertically or horizantally. This is just a fun little poll out of curiosity.

I've seen lots of people use this combo Horizontally from various Youtube videos, yet the characters in the show launch them vertically.

Personally, I feel uncomfortable using the Beylauncher vertically, because I used it for so long without the grip.
Well, I pull the cord/string sideways to the way i am facing. If i am using a String Launcher + Grip, i will hold it Horizontally, if i have a Launcher + Grip, i will hold it vertically.
I'll always pull horizontally, since I can move my arm the furthest amount of distance by doing so.
This tends to be the choice for the majority of people, finding it odd that people are doing anything other than this.
used to do it Horizantally till i hit my elbow against the door,now i normal do it Vertically because i find it easyer to bank/sliding shoot that way and get my launches more on target
Vertically w/ Beylaucher Suspension attached.
It's extremely comfortable to use like this, and I can use shooting techniques pretty easily.
I alternate between Crimson's preference and thelateral fashion. I use one of my suspensions on the L-Beylauncher; it really takes a lot of practice to get used to pulling and pushing at the same time.
I use it vertically most of the time because I find it hard to shoot pulling the handle outwards. I always feel like the strings gonna snap when I do use it horizontally. So I do prefer it vertically
Without suspension I do it horizontally. With Suspension usually vertically and sometimes horizontally.
Horizontally, verticle just feels awkward
i used to launch horizontally but i think you have more chance of hitting your hand with the handle if you launch horizontally so i usually launch vertically now
I think that both ways are good because they both allow you to get a better feel of each launch.Tongue_out_wink
Still, the light launcher is more confortable for me
Hasbro got something right for once Gasp (I think?)

Apparently if your're left handed you usually shoot vertically but if your're right handed you usually shoot horizontally

This is true fopr me because im left handed and I pull it vertically =/
Im lefty so its hard to use it vertically.
Now that I use a rubber band as a substitute for a bey suspender (becasue my Beylauncher's handle broke), I use it vertically.
So I guess I changed.