(Jul. 10, 2011 10:05 PM)FlameCancer5721 Wrote: How does this sound for a fire type team that counters water:
Blaziken: Ability: Blaze
Blaze Kick, Blast Burn, Sky Uppercut, Brave Bird
Item: Focus Sash
Magmortar: Ability: Flame Body
Fire Blast, Sunny Day, SolarBeam, Thunderbolt
Item: Quick Claw
Typhlosion: Ability: Blaze
Eruption, SolarBeam, Focus Blast, Blast Burn
Item: Flame Plate
Heatran: Ability: Flash Fire
SolarBeam, Magma Storm, Flash Cannon, Overheat
Item: Grip Claw
Infernape: Ability: Blaze
Flare Blitz, Flamethrower, Focus Blast, Blast Burn
Item: Choice Scarf
Ho-oh: Ability: Pressure
Sacred Fire, Brave Bird, Fire Blast, Fly
Item: Life Orb
Please Help!
why blazeakin?theirs much better pokemon like volcarona.and you cant counter water with that.a water team will anialate you.and what teir are you playing? ou,uu,our uber cause your doing porley with it.
k heres a team im working on
252hp/184 def/72 sp def
charge beam
ice beam
this pokemon with eviolite is a monter wall.gaining around 400 sp def with eviolite is incredibal.charge beam will not just counter water but give me a sp.atk boost as well.ice beam is to counter dragons.recover is just to heal my self.toxic will break down walls as chansey,blissy,shuckel,forrtress.
gyro ball
thunder wave
leech seed
stealth rocks
ability iron barbs
gyroball,my main offensive move.with 0 evs and ivs in speed ferrowthorns speed is 40.giveing gyroball very good power.thunderwave is a awesome move to have,.not only giveing you a extra chance to attack but slows the enemy down.very good.lech seed is also a good move especialy combined with leftovers.giveing me health everyturn!who wouldnt want it?stealth rocks is my basic set up.countering pokemon like volcarona our infernape by takeing nearly half their hp.
volcarona@life orb
fiery dance
bug bozz
quiver dance
whats their to say?its volcarona quiver dance will raise my stats masively,bug buzz for phychc types such as latias and latios.fery dance to not only have stab has a sp atk boost.flamethrowers my back up stab move.
terakion@choice band
close combat
quick attack
this thing is my offensive sweeper and does a good job at it.close combat is my main power move.not only supportig 120 base power but with terakions big attack stat and stab,ww,just wow.rock sluide for flying types.quick attack for priority,
and x-scizzor for phychc types.
conkeldur@flame orb
mach punch
drain punch
bulk up
just wow,this thing with guts is amazeing not only able to 1hko a excadrill with mach punch but great attack,decent defense,great hp.just a awesome tank.as stated mach punch for priority and a excadrill counter,drain punch to recover hp,payback to counter ghost,and bulk up to...well...bulk up.
haxorus@choice band
dragon dance
dragon claw
outrage is just mosterus,dragon dance gives me a boost(will get rid of),dragon claw incase were out of outrage,and earthquke just for the awesome power
so heres my team.if you have anyrecomandations just post it.