Pokemon Black/White

Oh god, the starter pokemon look horrible. The only cool one revealed so far has to be Zorua.
(May. 22, 2010  3:08 PM)Dragonsclaw Wrote: Oh god, the starter pokemon look horrible. The only cool one revealed so far has to be Zorua.
They don't look too bad, maybe except for the Water Type starter. :\
a grass type weasel,
a fire type pig,
and a water type..........
they look .......... "pretty"
English name speculations:
Fire: Emboar (credits to Sam for name)(mixture of ember and boar)
Water: Seatter(mixture of sea and otter)
Grass: Borass (Mixture of Boa and Grass)

The grass also may be Borant, Pythass, etc.
Yeah, this is the exact sort of thing we not want in this thread.
Ah, I'm sorry Heart, I'll try not to do it again.
I think they have pretty intersting starters! Especially the Fire Pig! xD FIRE PIG used SWINE FLU, the foe's Pokemon is contaminated. Haha but I really like the pig =D so I'll probably choose it as my starter. But I have a feeling its evolution is gonna ruin it ><
Yea the grass snake looks really cool too, actually I expect it to act like Treecko in the anime.
you can add or post some picture ? i have some one but i can't add pictures b cause i'm with my PSP system . too bad
[Image: 2ijhmj8.png]
Ladies and Gentlemen...

Your Black and White Legendaries.

And, while Japan is getting the game this September.
Pokemon.com has updated to officially announce the games for a north american release in Spring '11 (Not a surprise at all)
(May. 28, 2010  6:37 PM)Kei Wrote: DJ - Shock!

Those are SICK. I especially like Zekrom.

Yes its looks amazing!
The white one is hella kool but its arm/wings look lame :[
Really bad looking,they can t make new pokemon every 2 years!
It would be so great if they only made new stories with already existent pokemon!
I don t understad why to make over 550-600 pokemon..in my opinion the 4th generation also looks very ugly
(May. 28, 2010  6:52 PM)BDaichi Wrote:
(May. 28, 2010  6:37 PM)Kei Wrote: DJ - Shock!

Those are SICK. I especially like Zekrom.

Yes its looks amazing!
The white one is hella kool but its arm/wings look lame :[

If it had seperate arms and wings it would look a LOT sweeter.
I was origially gonna get black but seeing White's legendary... I might stick to White.
(May. 28, 2010  7:46 PM)Gianmarco.93 Wrote: Really bad looking,they can t make new pokemon every 2 years!
It would be so great if they only made new stories with already existent pokemon!
I don t understad why to make over 550-600 pokemon..in my opinion the 4th generation also looks very ugly

Though I agree with you in that there are far too many these days its easy to see why they do it. Its to keep renewed interest in the series and to make basically the same game seem different.
What about to make a game with a different story in a new country(jotho hoen kanto ecc)with different tipe of starter?
They could also make some new leggendaries pokemon but they can t add 100-150 pokemon on every new game!
I think this kind of game would sell a lot
Reshiram's legs remind me of Palkia's-too much...
zekrom looks so beastly!! me and my friend thinks he look a little like a machine, especialy the tail
Hmm...for some reason, these 2 new Legendaries just don't look too Pokemon-ish to me, but they sure look great!
They really are heading for a wholly new direction.
[Image: Reshirom_vs__Zekrom_by_Delthero.jpg]

This is a sweet drawing.
I liked Zekrom at first, but now im leaning towards Reshiram.
Any guess on their types? Zekrom may be dark ghost or flying. The only guess that i can think for Reshiram is psychc? And has anyone seen this video. (sorry if posted twice)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDJfdtYyM...re=related
Both of them are Dragon (or part Dragon) type.
Im hoping there will be a new light type and reshiram will be it.