Plastic/HMS/MFB: Bloody Devil, Dragoon MS, Zeus, Dark Gaia, Stadiums, NIB...

EZ Grips, DX Shooter and Beystadiums added

some items have been sold, please purchase what you want asap to avoid any disappointments.
BUMP! Several items have been sold.
Please make any purchases asap to avoid further disappointments .

Key blades sold so far: Poseidon, EZ Grips, Dragoon MF white, Dragoon set, Driger set, HMS stadium, Orthrus, RB11 blades and many more!
Added new items to my eBay page! Please have a looksie
New stock added please have a look at my eBay selling page:
Received Gigars, great condition! Great seller!
New stock added.
More to follow this weekend (hopefully)
New stock added including: Bey Tournament Dome! (1 sold, 1 available - so hurry to avoid disappointment)
As it turns out, Zeus23 is being the unfair victim of a returning racist: 2KOOL4SKOOL. We had to ban him previously, for acting racist and making bad troll posts afterwards too. It seems that 2KOOL4SKOOL came back, with more accounts than ever: AJTopper, SwitchBladr, BeyHyper and NerdyNinja are all his. This is incredibly sad, because he used each account for different purposes, apparently: one was meant to do business, another acted as a regular customer, a third was going to make videos on YouTube to probably promote products more, etc. It is ridiculous for anyone to try to come back from a justified ban, but it is even more pathetic that he would orchestrate such a number of personas... Talk about multiple personalities disorder.

We have of course banned him and all of his accounts, but we have to request that each customer be wary of who they are dealing with. He may do good business, but overall you do not want to deal with someone who has that kind of values... He might be foolish and try to come back again, and we count on you all to report him or any suspicious activities.

We apologise if any of you were in the middle of doing business with him. Since we do not wish for his return and cannot encourage further dealings with him, we advise you to file a Paypal dispute to try to get a reimbursement, if you are unable to communicate with him.