Pictures of yourself!

Annie: Almost an MJ thing going on in that last photo.

This thread took a turn towards Bizarreville. What an awkward time in life for all of us.
I want your mini hat, Annie. And if I'm being honest, I'd like one of those rocking Zebras too.

[Image: l_2dfd2f82f679dbe3a32aa5a108346e2d.jpg]

god I love this thread XD
you right Em, this thread is pretty golden. btw your friends orange camo is pretty crazy, you look a lil zombie'd tho

OLOL at brad
Annie before i read your post, i was like now way was you in lolita on zebras when you were 15 yo..ahah
anyway the red eyes in the last pic really pop eh

and Z your too cute
Blue Wrote:you right Em, this thread is pretty golden. btw your friends orange camo is pretty crazy, you look a lil zombie'd tho

OLOL at brad
Annie before i read your post, i was like now way was you in lolita on zebras when you were 15 yo..ahah
anyway the red eyes in the last pic really pop eh

and Z your too cute

I think it's just the filter on the pic. Then again, I could be a zombie.

<post carp>

I see your 14 and I raise you a 13! Although I think I already posted this pic? [Image: embjam03.bmp]
Mr. Toto Wrote:Well, since everyone is posting old pictures:
[Image: ko01.jpg]


i remember those days.
Ominous Wrote:Annie: Almost an MJ thing going on in that last photo.

This thread took a turn towards Bizarreville. What an awkward time in life for all of us.
[Image: n1280610237_30052165_9414.jpg]

@ toto
I soo remember when you posted that before :p
hahaha what the carp we've changed
Tamer Brad Wrote:hahaha what the carp we've changed

Thank goodness for that.
Alice Wrote:[Image: me.jpg]

Look at my fat little 15 year old face!

there is something very unnerving about this picture

oh yeah, you're wearing makeup
Composer of Requiems Wrote:[Image: 16d23ead.jpg]

Good old days.

Wow Nic, you look VERY unhappy in this picture. lmao

Also, since it seems to be the in thing to do, here's one of me from a few years back at band practice (peep the sweet 'fro LOL):

[Image: DSCN0310.jpg]
roan looks exactly the same
Tamer Brad Wrote:roan looks exactly the same

Just shorter hair, m i rite..?
Teikger Wrote:
Tamer Brad Wrote:roan looks exactly the same

Just shorter hair, m i rite..?

Oh yeah? Then check these out, particularly the first one back from 8th grade lmao
roan what the hell happened

particularly in that last pic
This is me. I'm your typical average nerd.
Attached Files
ryan i love how your face like turns each year LOL