Phoenix vs Axel

The crowds wild today, boooooos and gooooooos all over. 1...2...3 let it rip!!! phoenix's bey smashes into Axel's bey, "im going to destroy your bey, muwahaha"! said Axel. "what"!!! said Phoenix. "you cant please, ahhh, your ripping my bey apart, nnnnoooooooo"!!!!!! boom! phoenix's bey shatters into dousens of peaces. "G g, what!!!!!!!!!!!! nnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooo". "muwahhamuwahahaha, never under estimate me, I am your superior!

To Be Continued!
that was a short chapter
That was confusing, short, dry, cliché and boring. That was definitely not good at all, I saw nothing there that made a hint at being a good story.
ugggh that is the first and last chapter right