Phantom Has Two Molds?!

I don't think it is inappropriate in any way what so ever... The Title had a question mark, because I did not believe there to be a second mold, thus questioning said title... I started the thread, because many people were also claiming the existence of multiple molds, yet no one really had any evidence of it existing, and the information was strewn across several different and unrelated threads, so someone looking to get to the bottom of this would not easily be able to find anything at all, so by having a topic solely on the issue, not only does it put all the information in one place, but it makes learning about any truth or the lack thereof infinitely more accessible, which the last time I checked, is the entire purpose of a Forum, to make information accessible...

Like I said, I really don't give a carp about recognition or whatever "who said what first" so If you want the credit... its yours...