Parts I need.

Um I am currently looking for these parts:

CH120 (Not broken)

Gravity Perseus Attack Energy Ring

Launcher Rubber (Any color) the small ones for the handle of the launcher NOT the Grip.

Dragoon (of any kind)

Tip D (Defense)

(These are to be wanted by trades as well.) Sorry for posting in wrong place.............
Change your thread title to a more appropriate one.
jtharmon10 is attempting to sell an attack Perseus CW. I can tell him about it. (He doesn't get on much.)
Ok thanks ask him what does he need me to trade him for? Or else how much to buy it?
Well, he's attempting to obtain all the L-Drago series of beyblades. He already has LLD and MLD, so if you have anything in that zone, he'll probably jump for it. I'll have to ask him tomorrow.
Sorry, he doesn't get out of school until Friday afternoon, so it's hard to find a time to talk to him.

EDIT: Okay, he just got back. Can you post all your parts? Also, do you want Gravity as well, or just the CW?
(May. 29, 2012  6:54 PM)dude_31415 Wrote: jtharmon10 is attempting to sell an attack Perseus CW. I can tell him about it. (He doesn't get on much.)

i am going to get on more often now because i now have the time. Smile
i would prefer an Ldrago of any kind exept for LLD and MLD
Do not double-post in someone else's thread.
I have:

Gravity Perseus
Thermal Lacerta x2
LLD Limited Edition Vortex Stadium
Storm Pegasus x2
Hades Kerbecs (I wont trade) sorry
Thunder Leone
Rock Leone
Flame Sagittario
Inferno Gasher
Ray Striker x2 (Can't give CS)
Cyber Pegasus Legend
Grand Cetus
Flame Libra
Rock Zurafa
Burn Fireblaze
Earth Eagle
Meteo L drago (can't give)

Spare parts:
145 x2
C145 x2

I can only give you one (Max. 2)
Parts as you are only giving me only one
Gravity Perseus Attack CW.
@dude_31415 Will you give a D tip as you have 2 (I saw in ur beyblade parts)?
Use your other buying thread..