Official Dragon Nest Thread

Poll: Did you participate in...

... the CB (Closed Beta)?
... the OB (Open Beta)?
... both OB and CB!
...not having fun... YES!... For I have not installed this glorious game yet..
Total: 100% 1 vote(s)
INFO: Dragon Nest is a 3D instant based MMORPG. There are four classes for choose from: Archer, Cleric, Warrior, and Sorceress. There are a ton of Quest and Dungeons to do making this game pretty heavy on PvE (Player versus Environment), but in the near future when the game is fully released PvP will be added.
The game is currently in OB (Open Beta), and the max level for now is 24 (100 when its fully released). Guilds can be made, and there are four events to contribute in. Thou some the East servers seem to be lagging due to over, and unsuspected, population. I will be making videos with the in-game recorder if anyone is interested to see what it is like. Please feel free to PM with any questions about the game, or post it here. ^^
1. NO SPAM. (Please keep the post related to the game)
2. Please state your Server name, character name, class, level, and guild if you own or are in one.
3. Have fun ^^

Name: LordAbel
Class: Cleric
Level: 9
Server: Argenta
Guild: <LOTS> Stands for: Lords (and Ladies) Of The Square-table. I am the Guild Leader.
Guild Level: 1

EDIT: This is killing me... 50+ views but no replies T_T