Unfortunately, while we're supportive of all Beyblade communities around the world, we are not currently allowing for advertising of non-WBO tournaments on the WBO at this time.
We may re-evaluate this in the future, but this is our stance for now! Sorry!
This post is from October 2019, and apparently the poster is from Indiana. Gatherings of up to 100 people are currently allowed in Indiana. Whether or not that's safe is entirely different.
I am closing this thread and removing the location and date from the post. While
ShadowBeast appears to still be semi-active on WBO, they really need to follow the process of becoming a WBO organizer before trying to make a tournament advertised here.
Hey, parents! Here are all the answers to any questions about WBO Tournaments you might have! Thread-Guide-Hey-Parents-Answers-to-your-WBO-Tournament-questions
Please consult this guide linked below on how to arrive at tournaments before they start! https://worldbeyblade.org/Thread-How-to-arrive-at-tournaments-and-other-events-on-time