My first combo

i don't have the parts so i cant say for sure how well this will work, but it is what it is.

Wheel: Libra DF145BS
Track:Leone 145D
Bottom: Virgo Df145bs
Face: Preferably metal face, but whatever.

The cocept is a defensive blade that will last longer in battle.
That combo would simply be written like this: Libra 145BS

It would be a stamina combo, not defense. That combo is not very good though.
The way to describe a MFB combo is:

(Face) Wheel Track Bottom

i.e. MF Libra 145BS, if that's the combination you're trying to describe.

BS is not such a good Bottom, neither for Defense nor Stamina, unfortunately; perhaps you could post a list of your available parts? Although, I don't really see a lot of discussional value in this to warrant its own topic ... Whatever.
WB(wide ball), is a better defense bottom, and c145 is the same height but protects against low attackers. Other than that, it is good.
(Nov. 10, 2009  12:05 AM)♥ Wrote: The way to describe a MFB combo is:

(Face) Wheel Track Bottom

i.e. MF Libra 145BS, if that's the combination you're trying to describe.

BS is not such a good Bottom, neither for Defense nor Stamina, unfortunately; perhaps you could post a list of your available parts? Although, I don't really see a lot of discussional value in this to warrant its own topic ... Whatever.

thank u for the description, im a noob,so yeah
Not a problem ~ I probably came off a little harsh there.

Reading around the site, especially


will give you a great indication as to what parts are good etc.
Have to agree, not much value in this for it's own topic, next time use the "Rate My Combos" thread.

Well, if you're aiming for the closest combination you can get to sitting between defense and stamina, you're probably looking at a combo with Libra over Virgo. Going that route isn't exactly advisable at the competitive level, especially since you're able to have several available combo's at your disposal which you can choose from at the beginning of each match. Having one of each excelling at Attack, Defense, and Stamina exclusively versus skirting between both is optimal.

For your purposes Libra DF145B would be your best bet. If you have to acquire parts, those three are fairly useful within the realm of Defense and Stamina combo's.
(Nov. 10, 2009  12:19 AM)♥ Wrote: Not a problem ~ I probably came off a little harsh there.


Not at all, I should be thanking you. It is very hard to upset me. ^^