Most Used Blade

earth bull 145 sd
MF Gravity Perseus CH120RF. Most of the paint is peeled off.

(Jan. 03, 2011  4:17 PM)beycrusher jim Wrote: Here are the beyblades I mostly use.
Beyblade EG 89 Dragoon

-Metal Fusion:
Flame Libra

MF pegasis 145r2f.
Storm Pegasis or Bistool
Gravity Perseus!!! Even though this is super old, hahahaha

Dark Effigy

Metal Fight:
Meteo L-Drago 100SD (In Hasbro Stadiums)
Gravity Perseus
Mines earth aquilla.
MF-H Gravity Persues(attack.VER ,counter)90 RF
MF Earth 100 WD
Dark Bull. Just because it looks cool.
Storm Aquario / RC Dragoon V2 Aquario was my first MFB, I didn't have a 2nd..... RC Dragoon was my first ever beyblade.

Metal Fusion Beyblade:
Rock Leone 145WB

Both were my favorite of the series. They have also won plenty of battles.
Mine is DEFINETLY Big Bang pegasis FGrin.
Basalt. You can't live without that full-metal cake. It makes a great B-day present as a cake and a candle fits in place of the face
Either Lightning L-Drago XYZ### RF or MF Basalt Horogium 230 WB.
mine plasic:Rushing Boar(i have beat a Dark wolf and Ldrago with it!)
Metal:Hell AquarioBD145WF!
Plastic: Draciel G
Metal uncustomized: Storm Aquario 100HFS
Metal customized: Earth Gasher DF145WD
Hm, this thread has been revived, eh?
My most used beys-
MFB- Hell Kerbecs BD145DS
Plastics- Driger V
HMS- Wolborg MS

All of these are subject to change(except for the one in plastics), as I have lost my Wolborg MS now, I'll see what I'll be using at any HMS tourney...
I've used my Wolborg for every match I played when I was a kid. Remember, they weren't WBO tourneys.
And Kerbecs, being the most powerful uncustomized bey I own, is of course my most used! If I get better ones, then this will change for sure!
The plastics one.... I have always trusted an uncustomized Driger V. Used it many times before I lost my old one. I have a MINT one right now, which I will probably use at a plastics tourney, to revive the trust I had for it. Smile
MF Gravity Perseus BD145HF/S

I love it because it can OS/KO while stalling in HF, OS in S and it can beat TH170/230 combos easily.
Sometimes it can OS Basalt BD145/Phantom combos
(Dec. 16, 2011  4:48 PM)Bleik Wrote: Sometimes it can OS Basalt BD145/Phantom combos

No one would believe that, tbh.
It might be your luck, but Gravity Perseus OSing a Basalt/Phantom stamina combo is unbelievable.
The S tips are known to have bad balance, and on a super tall tip like S, Gasp
But as this is a thread about personal preferences, I won't say you are wrong. Wink