[Mississauga, Ontario, Canada] Canceled beyblade tournament


Ayc777 is hosting this tourney, not me. Hes offline, so i'm doing this 4 him.
We got 8 attendees .. Kai-V has not approved due to AYC777 still not showing a pic of his stadium. Complain to him cuz im not even going.

Hearts of the Bladers Contest!!!

Time: Saturday, October 23rd 2010

Where: Huron Heights Park (find us inside the park) Mississauga,ON,
Ill be wearing a blue Toronto Maple Leaves Hat and my assistant will be wearing a brown Canadians hat.

Time: 12:30pm, 1:30pm is when the tournament starts. 12:30-1:29pm is free play.

Entery Fee: $5.00 CAN

Blader passports are allowed.You can buy one for 10 dollars.

There will also be a water bottle sale-50 cents each

There will be 1st,2nd,&3rd places that will win a prize. The prizes are a surprise!!!
First place picks first, and so on.

Please bring your stadiums if you have access to them, i appreciate it. - I will too xD - TylerPT

Format: Metal Fusion and Metal Fight Beyblades ONLY. No plastic, Hms Or Libra metal wheel. Tho, can se them for free play.

First to 3 points. No arguing with the judges, or you're kicked out. You also don't get your money back.

(We are not responsible for broken Beys)

You're allowed to trade and buy beyblades. (Make sure to bring u're own beys) We're not gonna put up with u complaining about not abled to participate.

Beyblade Auction Sale!!!
(Please note that the beyblade is not in mint condition, but is in good shape to use in battles, and some might not have any stickers and no refunds)

Storm Pegasus- $ 10.00 CAN
Dark Bull- $ 10.00
Flame Saggitario- $10.00 CAN
Yellow Stadium- $10.00CAN
No taxes included-


Ayc777 himself (confirmed)
L D (confirmed)
Ali12345456 (confirmed)
Pegasis800 (confirmed)
Galaxy_Pegasis (confirmed)

Possible Attendees:

Me TylerPT if my dad lets
Hope You're All There!!! <-- if every1 is there, it'll take days for it to finish Tired"
(Sep. 17, 2010  11:37 PM)TylerPT Wrote: No Blader Passports allowed, because we are not selling any.

I think your required to sell them..since your hosting it as a part of the WBO.
If you think that passport is a physical item, it's not.
You write down whoever bought them, and send them to a Committe member.
put me on possible attendes and Pyro is right
Okay, il ltell Ayc777,
(Sep. 17, 2010  11:37 PM)TylerPT Wrote: Ayc777 is hosting this tourney, not me. Hes offline, so i'm doing this 4 him.

Hearts of the Bladers Contest!!!

Time: Saturday, October 2nd 2010

Where: Huron Heights Park (find us inside the park) Mississauga,ON,
Ill be wearing a blue Toronto Maple Leaves Hat and my assistant will be wearing a brown Canadians hat.

Time: 12:30pm, 1:30pm is when the tournament starts. 12:30-1:29pm is free play.

Entery Fee: $5.00 CAN

There will also be a water bottle sale-50 cents each

There will be 1st,2nd,&3rd places that will win a prize. The prizes are a surprise!!!
First place picks first, and so on.

Please bring your stadiums if you have access to them, i appreciate it. - I will too xD - TylerPT

Format: Metal fight beyblade and Beyblade : Metal fusion. No hms plastic or libra wheel. You can use them for free play.

First to 3 points. No arguing with the judges, or you're kicked out. You also don't get your money back.

(We are not responsible for broken Beys)

You're allowed to trade and buy beyblades.

Beyblade Auction Sale!!!
(Please note that the beyblade is not in mint condition, but is in good shape to use in battles, and some might not have any stickers and no refunds)

Storm Pegasus- $ 10.00 CAN
Dark Bull- $ 10.00
Flame Saggitario- $10.00 CAN
Yellow Stadium- $10.00CAN
No taxes included-


ME! (TylerPT)
Ayc777 himself

Possible Attendees:

Hope You're All There!!!

(Sep. 17, 2010  11:37 PM)TylerPT Wrote: Ayc777 is hosting this tourney, not me. Hes offline, so i'm doing this 4 him.

Hearts of the Bladers Contest!!!

Time: Saturday, October 2nd 2010

Where: Huron Heights Park (find us inside the park) Mississauga,ON,
Ill be wearing a blue Toronto Maple Leaves Hat and my assistant will be wearing a brown Canadians hat.

Time: 12:30pm, 1:30pm is when the tournament starts. 12:30-1:29pm is free play.

Entery Fee: $5.00 CAN

There will also be a water bottle sale-50 cents each

There will be 1st,2nd,&3rd places that will win a prize. The prizes are a surprise!!!
First place picks first, and so on.

Please bring your stadiums if you have access to them, i appreciate it. - I will too xD - TylerPT

Format: Metal fight beyblade and Beyblade : Metal fusion. No hms plastic or libra wheel. You can use them for free play.

First to 3 points. No arguing with the judges, or you're kicked out. You also don't get your money back.

(We are not responsible for broken Beys)

You're allowed to trade and buy beyblades.

Beyblade Auction Sale!!!
(Please note that the beyblade is not in mint condition, but is in good shape to use in battles, and some might not have any stickers and no refunds)

Storm Pegasus- $ 10.00 CAN
Dark Bull- $ 10.00
Flame Saggitario- $10.00 CAN
Yellow Stadium- $10.00CAN
No taxes included-


ME! (TylerPT)
Ayc777 himself

Possible Attendees:

Hope You're All There!!!

(Sep. 17, 2010  11:37 PM)TylerPT Wrote: Ayc777 is hosting this tourney, not me. Hes offline, so i'm doing this 4 him.

Hearts of the Bladers Contest!!!

Time: Saturday, October 2nd 2010

Where: Huron Heights Park (find us inside the park) Mississauga,ON,
Ill be wearing a blue Toronto Maple Leaves Hat and my assistant will be wearing a brown Canadians hat.

Time: 12:30pm, 1:30pm is when the tournament starts. 12:30-1:29pm is free play.

Entery Fee: $5.00 CAN

Blader passports are allowed.You can buy one for 10 dollars.

There will also be a water bottle sale-50 cents each

There will be 1st,2nd,&3rd places that will win a prize. The prizes are a surprise!!!
First place picks first, and so on.

Please bring your stadiums if you have access to them, i appreciate it. - I will too xD - TylerPT

Format: Metal fight beyblade and Beyblade : Metal fusion. No hms plastic or libra wheel. You can use them for free play.

First to 3 points. No arguing with the judges, or you're kicked out. You also don't get your money back.

(We are not responsible for broken Beys)

You're allowed to trade and buy beyblades.

Beyblade Auction Sale!!!
(Please note that the beyblade is not in mint condition, but is in good shape to use in battles, and some might not have any stickers and no refunds)

Storm Pegasus- $ 10.00 CAN
Dark Bull- $ 10.00
Flame Saggitario- $10.00 CAN
Yellow Stadium- $10.00CAN
No taxes included-


ME! (TylerPT)
Ayc777 himself

Possible Attendees:

Hope You're All There!!!
i want to be an attendee
atending of course! cant wait!
omg two long weeks Pinching_eyes_2 well atleast its real close to my house and its a shorter wait time then bumpink and FINALLY A EVENT THAT SELLS WATER!!!!! also can you atleast pm me if the prizes are hasbro or takara pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee anyways what stadiums will be used? hasbro or takara?
well thats about it i hope i dont get in trouble anyways thanks for making the tornament
(Sep. 18, 2010  3:15 AM)ali12345456 Wrote: anyways what stadiums will be used? hasbro or takara?
If they want it to be approved, legal Beystadiums will have to be used. Therefore, absolutely no Hasbro Beystadium.
alright thanks anyways
EDIT: ill be recording this if you let me also it will be uploadid around 12 am (i promis maybe 1 hour after or before deadline) depennd how much clips
I hope to see you at this tournament ali
dont have to hope dude im gonna be there! idk if i have veursed you yet though so ill veurse anyone who challenges me
no you havn't yet because remember I couldn't find the place where they held project beyhem
oh well i veurse you defenitly then!
cool Smile
sould i make a selling thread for this tornament??
(Sep. 18, 2010  3:54 AM)ali12345456 Wrote: sould i make a selling thread for this tornament??
This is not a tournament yet, so no.
oh it isint? o.O how do i know if its oficial?
ill be battling you ali
(Sep. 18, 2010  3:59 AM)ali12345456 Wrote: oh it isint? o.O how do i know if its oficial?
There will be a topic about it in the "Official Events" forum.
oh okay thanks
uzair ill own you and youll have a taste of that tomorow and since its getting of topic ill stop now b4 i get in trouble
The stadium is gonna be takara, ayc777 will bring it. Im like a co-host xD
PLEASE bring stadiums if u have acces i have 1
I appreaciate it if you can!!!
i have a fake stadium that okay?
(Sep. 18, 2010  9:34 PM)ali12345456 Wrote: i have a fake stadium that okay?
... Even for free play, I think this is not that appropriate.
yaa ali i think that can be ok for free battles too. Please bring it.