Metal Fight Limited - Stamina: Burn

Hello Everyone.

I have a doubt about witch spin track would be better for Burn wheel. 

I have 3 choices: 145, ED145 or 90
(I dont have the posibility to test those right now, no stadium :c)

All this 3 parts paired with a WD.

I want to ask if someone got better results with ED145 than 90. Im 99% sure that the worst option is 145 from those 3.
But i dont see to much ED145 or 90 in Competitive threads. 

The Full Combos would be:

Burn 145 WD
Burn ED145 WD
Burn 90 WD

Can someone help me to clarify this doubt? Thank you!
90 is the best one of the three.

145 and ED145 heights are not that great for MFL, and ED145 isn't wide enough to actually have a decent gimmick. The spinning ring gives a little LAD, but you're better off using TR145 if you really needed that height.