Metal Fight Beyblade: Everything you need to know!

Grey Wrote:But do you seriously think everyone knows this? A lot of players probably don't realize any of the science and such behind Beyblade and just think "hey, this has high attack, I'll use this." I know I did when I was younger, and I didn't know the difference.

That's why this site exists.
Grey Wrote:And also, I remember seeing an image that showed other Metal Fight Beyblades, and it had the word INSECT in one of the corners...
Here, I saw it in this video:
(Skip to 00:10)

Any news on either of these at all?

Not sure on the Aries front but as far as insect blades are concerned, they were a canceled plastics series (I think?) and around the announcement of MFB series there was some confusion as to whether these were the new blades. In any case, regardless of what they were, the idea has been scrapped; those 'blades won't be made as they were shown.
Marin Wrote:Not sure on the Aries front but as far as insect blades are concerned, they were a canceled plastics series (I think?) and around the announcement of MFB series there was some confusion as to whether these were the new blades. In any case, regardless of what they were, the idea has been scrapped; those 'blades won't be made as they were shown.

This post is correct.
Must say that the design for Pegasus looks really weird, the Attack ring looks " Wonky "
Gotruto Wrote:Found it

Zoom in next to the pixtures of the Wheel on the top, u will see something in a red, blue and green box, ther is something under them, i believe those are the stats. They are also on the Tips, but not on the spin-gears (Sorry but i forgot those 2 part's names) and spin gears dont have stats, which further proves my theory

OK ive fopund out the stats


Attack: 10

Defence/Stamina: 2 Each


Attack: 6

Defence/Stamina: 4 Each


Stamina: 10

Attack/Defence: 2 Each


Defence: 10

Attack/Stamina: 2 Each

So if u noticed they all add up to 14 total. And not to mention that they are stars, even prooving my theory more.

So do you have, like, sub-pixel vision?
its these little black dots, not hard to see and when u zoom in, u can BAREly tell that they are stars.
those stats aren't right at all just fyi

i have the real stats but i can't post the pic so here they are in case one of you wants them:


W: 5/1/1
B: 5/1/1


W: 3/2/2
B: 3/2/2


W: 1/2/4
B: 1/2/4


W: 1/4/2
B: 1/4/2

also LOL the wheels and bottoms have the same stats
actually i screwed up, for Cheiron add 2 to Defence and for Leo add 2 to Stamina.
Bey Brad Wrote:those stats aren't right at all just fyi

i have the real stats but i can't post the pic so here they are in case one of you wants them:


W: 5/1/1
B: 5/1/1


W: 3/2/2
B: 3/2/2


W: 1/2/4
B: 1/2/4


W: 1/4/2
B: 1/4/2

also LOL the wheels and bottoms have the same stats

Note quite Leo wheel has ATK1 DEF4 STA2 yet its base has 5 DEF and cheiron is the same but its base has 5 STA instead of DEF

PS: hurray for supper-suspicion-pixol-fraction-vision!!! and vooming in to check
um i'm looking at a very high resolution picture taken at a no-photos-allowed event right now so no you're wrong
w/e, its not a big deal, stats dont matter anyways.
Yeah the Stats that they make up is stupid, I remember when Beyblades just came out down here and i had a chance to go through the whole lot I bought a Draciel S because the box said it had great defense, but once we all battled at school man my blade would get raped.
draciel s has great defense Serious
Couldn't defend itself well from all the Driger S blades everyone had


Anyways Brad would you be able to post up the High Res pic of the stats? Smile
i can't, sorry, they're secret pics Unhappy
I cant wait for these to come out in canada

I also have the high res pics but im not going to post them cas i dont want brad to get mad Smile
rkayd Wrote:I cant wait for these to come out in canada

I also have the high res pics but im not going to post them cas i dont want brad to get mad Smile

You probably don't have the same pics I do.
Bey Brad Wrote:

Some great pics of Pegasis in this thread.

To be honest, its attack potential seems much lower than I first thought.
Composer of Requiems Wrote:To be honest, its attack potential seems much lower than I first thought.

Yes, I also think it. Its Wheel is too circular and too "withdrawn" on itself for has good attack.

P.S : it's my first post on this forum Wink
Hey Brad, will u be posting up any new news on MFB soon? Also, why can't u show us ur other images or are u waiting for the right moment.
Grey Wrote:So, to contribute:

Any proof to support that this is indeed Aries' Wheel concept?
The Random Booster this beyblade comes with is called Random Booster Vol.1 Secret Aries.

TAKARA-TOMY will most probably make some changes to its design, but it will resemble that.
Bey Brad Wrote:
Kuznetsov Wrote:Could we possibly have all the non-information/non-discussion/argument posts deleted so people looking for information don't have to trawl through 37 pages...?

Or have one post for strictly information-posting purposes and another for discussion if people can't cope with the above?

What information are you looking for that you can't find, exactly?
Nothing that can't already be found on the Wiki page, it was just a general suggestion to lessen the trawling.
boh978 Wrote:Hey Brad, will u be posting up any new news on MFB soon? Also, why can't u show us ur other images or are u waiting for the right moment.

Whenever there is new news, Brad will post it up, if he isn't posting anything new about the MFB then he doesn't really have any new news to share on them.

Erm, im sure if Brad was aloud to show us he would, but like he said, its a secret, maybe hes been told not to show them to us or somthing like that.Chocked