I want to make a team Called the GemiosHunters
Just answer these questions
What 3 beys are you using
Why should i put you on the team
What town do you live in
aries blader
Vampire 123
PM me or Email me for any questions PLEASE POST IF YOU LIVE IN MASSACHUSSETTES OR RHODE ISLANDE and we can set up a tournoment
Ranks are:
Leader,this person runs the team
Co Leader, this person helps the leader with eveything
Genral,this person helps big time
Captian, this person helps with tournoment
Technecal Manager, This person helps with the making of the web site
Aries, this people are reguler members who battle people to reconize the Aries Hunters
Aries Grunt, These people are a lower rank of Aries
Just answer these questions
What 3 beys are you using
Why should i put you on the team
What town do you live in
aries blader
Vampire 123
PM me or Email me for any questions PLEASE POST IF YOU LIVE IN MASSACHUSSETTES OR RHODE ISLANDE and we can set up a tournoment
Ranks are:
Leader,this person runs the team
Co Leader, this person helps the leader with eveything
Genral,this person helps big time
Captian, this person helps with tournoment
Technecal Manager, This person helps with the making of the web site
Aries, this people are reguler members who battle people to reconize the Aries Hunters
Aries Grunt, These people are a lower rank of Aries