Make an alternate ending to g revolution
you can change happenings from various episodes to suit the ending
here is mine :
in the world championship (when tyson vs kai in episode 30) Tyson lost and vowed that he would again become the world champion . The world is took by huge shock when see this. The first time brooklin vs kai i changed brooklin to ming ming and kai won meaning he would proceed in bega's team.
So when the competion begins here's who's on tysons team
tyson max ray diachi and tala
begas team
brooklin kai guy who vs tala guy who vs max and tied with him and krusher
here is the line up and results
diachi vs kruher winner krusher
tala vs garland winner tala
max vs miguell draw
ray vs kai winner kai
brooklin vs tyson winner tyson
Due to the fiece battle tyson's bey is broken and kenny gives him dragoon ms uv .
So it was left as a tie so each team choose who represents them and the match was kai vs tyson .It was an epic battle and tyson realises kai did this so he could battle Tyson again and tyson beats kai .
The end now you make yours
you can change happenings from various episodes to suit the ending
here is mine :
in the world championship (when tyson vs kai in episode 30) Tyson lost and vowed that he would again become the world champion . The world is took by huge shock when see this. The first time brooklin vs kai i changed brooklin to ming ming and kai won meaning he would proceed in bega's team.
So when the competion begins here's who's on tysons team
tyson max ray diachi and tala
begas team
brooklin kai guy who vs tala guy who vs max and tied with him and krusher
here is the line up and results
diachi vs kruher winner krusher
tala vs garland winner tala
max vs miguell draw
ray vs kai winner kai
brooklin vs tyson winner tyson
Due to the fiece battle tyson's bey is broken and kenny gives him dragoon ms uv .
So it was left as a tie so each team choose who represents them and the match was kai vs tyson .It was an epic battle and tyson realises kai did this so he could battle Tyson again and tyson beats kai .
The end now you make yours