No, E230 is just better, but as you may know, it's illegal to use a broken part. I'd say SP230 would work well as a substitute.
MSF-H Killerken Genbull SP230 TB
(Feb. 18, 2014 6:31 AM)TheWhiteTiger Wrote: No, E230 is just better, but as you may know, it's illegal to use a broken part. I'd say SP230 would work well as a substitute.Awesome thanks man for the help

TBH, you're probably much better off using MB rather than TB on any E230 custom.
TB is a really short tip. MB gives you the extra height you need to destabilize SA165 Stamina opponents (which are a really big chunk of the competitive meta in certain areas), and far superior sway resistance.
I'd definitely go Genbull/Girago E230MB. Outstanding Balance custom in Standard/Zero-G format. One of my personal favorites.
TB is a really short tip. MB gives you the extra height you need to destabilize SA165 Stamina opponents (which are a really big chunk of the competitive meta in certain areas), and far superior sway resistance.
I'd definitely go Genbull/Girago E230MB. Outstanding Balance custom in Standard/Zero-G format. One of my personal favorites.
When I get a new E230 I'll try it out
this may seem like spam but my MB has a small flat part to it, is it considered illegal?

No, you're good until it performs WF-ish