So how are we going to deal with this exactly? Are we going to make different articles for, say, Pegasis105F and Pegasis145D?
MFB: Starters Vs. Boosters
What would be the point of that? Taking your example, the 145D would have came from Leo (?, still not sure which height goes with what) and thus will be explain in its article.
I say just mention what each Bey comes with in a Booster and what the colour difference is. No need for separate articles.
I say just mention what each Bey comes with in a Booster and what the colour difference is. No need for separate articles.
I agree, it could be written in the same article. It could just be separated on the same page though.
So should we just CP the info for, say, Defense Bottom to both Leone and Pegasis articles, stating which versions they're included with?
My ideal set up for this would be.
* 1 Wheel
1.1 - Wheel info goes here
* 2 Released sets (Other Versions)
2.1 - Starter Set 125 SF
2.2 - Booster Set 145 S
* 3. Track
3.1 - Track 125
3.2 - Track 145
* 4. Tip
4.1 Semi-Flat
4.2 Sharp
Or, it could look like
* 1 Wheel
1.1 - Wheel info goes here
* 2. Track
2.1 - Track 125 (Starter Set)
2.2 - Track 145 (Booster Set)
* 3. Tip
3.1 Semi-Flat (Stater Set)
3.2 Sharp (Booster Set)
Keeping with the current style..
Bull (Starter)
* 1 Wheel
1.1 - Wheel info goes here
* 2. Track
2.1 - Track 125
* 3. Tip
3.1 Semi-Flat
* 4. Other Versions
4.1 Booster 145S / link
Hopefully we can just make one article, like you guys are doing with the WD. Then we could just link to the parts, instead of C/Ping it every time, unless the new policy is to C/P the exact same thing every time.
* 1 Wheel
1.1 - Wheel info goes here
* 2 Released sets (Other Versions)
2.1 - Starter Set 125 SF
2.2 - Booster Set 145 S
* 3. Track
3.1 - Track 125
3.2 - Track 145
* 4. Tip
4.1 Semi-Flat
4.2 Sharp
Or, it could look like
* 1 Wheel
1.1 - Wheel info goes here
* 2. Track
2.1 - Track 125 (Starter Set)
2.2 - Track 145 (Booster Set)
* 3. Tip
3.1 Semi-Flat (Stater Set)
3.2 Sharp (Booster Set)
Keeping with the current style..
Bull (Starter)
* 1 Wheel
1.1 - Wheel info goes here
* 2. Track
2.1 - Track 125
* 3. Tip
3.1 Semi-Flat
* 4. Other Versions
4.1 Booster 145S / link
Hopefully we can just make one article, like you guys are doing with the WD. Then we could just link to the parts, instead of C/Ping it every time, unless the new policy is to C/P the exact same thing every time.
I was thinking:
* 1 Pegasis
Wheel Info
* 2 Starter Parts
** 2.1 105
** 2.2 Flat
* 3 Booster Parts
** 3.1 145
** 3.2 Defense
* 1 Pegasis
Wheel Info
* 2 Starter Parts
** 2.1 105
** 2.2 Flat
* 3 Booster Parts
** 3.1 145
** 3.2 Defense
Fair enough, it's easier to read for me for some reason, and seems more streamlined.
How are we gonna deal with the hidden bonus 90 and WF from the boosters?
How are we gonna deal with the hidden bonus 90 and WF from the boosters?
Well yes, but I am anticipating some issues when people get a random part from booster X, and are like hey, this isn't mentioned in the wiki. We should post a thread about it.