Seeing how Dragooon's spin equalizing is a well known and too common of a treat in the meta, I played around with parts that could effectively slay the mighty Dragooon
Part explanation:
MF-L to put less weight on XF
Cancer for its stamina
Fusion because the rubber can aid in causing friction when grinding slowing down a left spinning bey
E230 because the disk gives a grinding effect and aids in reducing equalizing
XF because of its speed and ability to stall
I did some informal tests with GCF the problem with GCF is when it topples over the gear gets in the way stopping it.
MF-L Fusion(rubber side down) Cancer E230(upper)XF vs Leviathan Dragooon SA165(norm)EWD
Dragooon launcher first at 75%, Fusion stalled
Fusion: 14/20 (14 os)
Dragooon 6/20 (6 os)
Fusion win rate: 70%
MF-L Fusion(rubber down) Cancer E230(upper) XF vs Duo (stam) Cancer W145 WD(mint)
Fusion stalled
Fusion: 2/10 (2 ko)
Duo: 8/10 (8 os)
Fusion: 20%
MF-L Fusion(rubber down) Cancer E230(upper) XF vs Duo (stam) Cancer 160PD
Fusion stalled
Fusion: 0/10
Duo: 10/10 (10 os)
Fusion: 0%
MF-L Fusion(rubber down) Cancer E230(upper) XF vs MF-H Duo (stam) Cancer 230MB
Fusion stalled
Fusion: 16/20 (16 ko)
Duo: 4/20 (3 os,1 ko)
Fusion: 80%
2 tie (Duo's freak ko was a wall save for Duo and Fusion went out of the exit only an inch next to Duo)
MF-L Fusion(rubber down) Cancer E230(upper) XF vs Gargoyle Dragooon S130 LRF (mint)
Fusion stalled, Dragooon sliding shoot
Fusion: 17/20 (13 os,4 ko)
Dragooon: 3/20 (3 ko)
Fusion: 85%
This match was strange, when Dragooon hit the rubber on Fusion it would stop dead in its tracks and goto a stalling movement in the center of the stadium
MF-L Fusion(rubber down) Cancer E230(upper) XF vs Ifrit Ifrit S130 R2F (mint)
Fusion stalled, Ifrit sliding shoot
Fusion: 19/20 (19 os)
Ifrit: 1/20 (1 ko)
Fusion: 95%
-Bench Mark (using outdated customs because its easier to tell I can use attack types)-
Flash Orion S130 R2F vs MF-F Duo Bull BD145 CS
Flash: 9/10 (9 ko)
Duo: 1/10 (1 os)
Flash: 90%
The one win by Duo was from me messing up the launch but I counted it anyway
I would like to add that the only 0g parts I have are Dragooon, Ifrit x2, Salamander, Gargoyle, Leviathan, SA165, LW165, W145, 160, E230, CF, BSF, WSF, GCF, SB
Part explanation:
MF-L to put less weight on XF
Cancer for its stamina
Fusion because the rubber can aid in causing friction when grinding slowing down a left spinning bey
E230 because the disk gives a grinding effect and aids in reducing equalizing
XF because of its speed and ability to stall
I did some informal tests with GCF the problem with GCF is when it topples over the gear gets in the way stopping it.
MF-L Fusion(rubber side down) Cancer E230(upper)XF vs Leviathan Dragooon SA165(norm)EWD
Dragooon launcher first at 75%, Fusion stalled
Fusion: 14/20 (14 os)
Dragooon 6/20 (6 os)
Fusion win rate: 70%
MF-L Fusion(rubber down) Cancer E230(upper) XF vs Duo (stam) Cancer W145 WD(mint)
Fusion stalled
Fusion: 2/10 (2 ko)
Duo: 8/10 (8 os)
Fusion: 20%
MF-L Fusion(rubber down) Cancer E230(upper) XF vs Duo (stam) Cancer 160PD
Fusion stalled
Fusion: 0/10
Duo: 10/10 (10 os)
Fusion: 0%
MF-L Fusion(rubber down) Cancer E230(upper) XF vs MF-H Duo (stam) Cancer 230MB
Fusion stalled
Fusion: 16/20 (16 ko)
Duo: 4/20 (3 os,1 ko)
Fusion: 80%
2 tie (Duo's freak ko was a wall save for Duo and Fusion went out of the exit only an inch next to Duo)
MF-L Fusion(rubber down) Cancer E230(upper) XF vs Gargoyle Dragooon S130 LRF (mint)
Fusion stalled, Dragooon sliding shoot
Fusion: 17/20 (13 os,4 ko)
Dragooon: 3/20 (3 ko)
Fusion: 85%
This match was strange, when Dragooon hit the rubber on Fusion it would stop dead in its tracks and goto a stalling movement in the center of the stadium
MF-L Fusion(rubber down) Cancer E230(upper) XF vs Ifrit Ifrit S130 R2F (mint)
Fusion stalled, Ifrit sliding shoot
Fusion: 19/20 (19 os)
Ifrit: 1/20 (1 ko)
Fusion: 95%
-Bench Mark (using outdated customs because its easier to tell I can use attack types)-
Flash Orion S130 R2F vs MF-F Duo Bull BD145 CS
Flash: 9/10 (9 ko)
Duo: 1/10 (1 os)
Flash: 90%
The one win by Duo was from me messing up the launch but I counted it anyway
I would like to add that the only 0g parts I have are Dragooon, Ifrit x2, Salamander, Gargoyle, Leviathan, SA165, LW165, W145, 160, E230, CF, BSF, WSF, GCF, SB