Looking for new staff!

(Sep. 14, 2008  5:59 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: Please welcome the newest staff, Cye Kinomiya and Anubis!

Congratz guys you deserve it!
Serious congrats
Bugturtles has resigned so he can devote more time to other things in his life. All the best, bt!
Awwwwww.....well you gotta set priorities.

You will be a missed staff member.
In better news, Grey has stepped up to join the staff. Smile
Good luck with what ever else it is you're doing bugturtles!

and welcome to the Staff, Grey! Smile
aww man, well take care brah!

Welcome aboard Grey!
Thank you for the wishes everyone.

Kudos Grey! Make us proud. Smile
Good luck bugturtles, and thank you everyone! I'll do my best.
I was waiting for Grey to become staff Smile

Grats Grey, you're going to be a great staff member Wink
PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER etybitylivingspace
props Grey, you'll do a fine job.

BT I saw it coming, kind of a bummer hahaha. I nosyouse bizzi
Congratz to all the new staff members.
ok, i know that it says new member under my name and i havent done any posts yet but i can honest to goodness,swear to god say i know things about beyblade that you didnt think of knowing(i know more that you put on your site so if i cant make the staff i can pm you loads of info).
i am 10000000000% dedicated blader and i also have some online experiance. I think i can help a great lot oh and i can add a bit to the metal fight page like the new main characters and new character pics.
But like i said if i dont make it i'll pm all the info and pics to you.

How about you share this info first so that the admin have something to base this on?
You should probably try making more than one post before applying to be a staff member. None of us know you at all.
p.s. i have loved beyblade ever since it was realeased in uk, and stood up for it when it was down!
Before you apply to be staff, you should prove yourself by making useful posts elsewhere in the board.
im no mod pro but i dont treat anyone differently because of how they treat me so ill be fair if i ban, not just for my own reasons, and im active now(i cant get on on every other weekend )and my comps under construction for a few days but i managed to hook it up))
(Oct. 07, 2008  12:25 AM)max Wrote: im no mod pro but i dont treat anyone differently because of how they treat me so ill be fair if i ban, not just for my own reasons, and im active now(i cant get on on every other weekend )and my comps under construction for a few days but i managed to hook it up))

You only have 36 posts and to be honest you don't seem to know that much. Thanks anyway.
how can i learn more about beyblading? im good at it, always have been, but i geuss i dont know much about it