Let it Rip from the USA

Hey everyone, obviously my name's Stephen but I'm guessing you'll want to know more then thatWink

I got into the Beyblade craze about 6 years ago thanks to a buddy of mine. Bought myself a Draciel Fortress and we started battling in whatever bowl shaped object we could find. Pretty soon we got over a dozen people in our class into it and spent our whole recesses crowded around someones beystadium they brought from home just having a good time. Unfortunatly the Beyblade craze died out as me and everyone else got into middle school, plus the fact that the show ended 4 years agoAngry I recently was just flipping through some old books in my room and then found my old copy of the official Beyblade Fanbook and instantly fell back in love. A few people are just calling this a wave of nostalgia but I think it's more then that. So here's just some random stuff then about me, some Beyblade related some not.

Fav. Beyblade series character: Ray
Fav. Beyblade ever bought: Driger Fang (Actually broke some blades with itPinching_eyes_2)
Blading Style: Balanced but prefer blades that are aggressive.
Funnyest Blading Moment: Tried out a buddies Trygle and got it stuck in the beystadium wall bu launching itXD.
Favorite Music: Iron Maiden, AC/DC, Hammerfall...stuff like that
Other Hobbies: Warhammer 40K, Drawing, Writing

So yeah, glad to finally have found this place and I really hope someone here lives nearbye so I can start to let it rip again.
Welcome to the WBO!

Whereabouts are you located? Make sure to add yourself to the map if you haven't done so already.
Welcome! I'm glad you found us. Smile
Central Wisconsin. Though I'll be moving down to Janesville (Southern Wisconsin, pretty close to Chicago) sometime in the next 6 months or so probably
Welcome to the wbo! looks like were in the same boat =D

Dont worry, you'll get the hang of MFB =)
Welcome to WBO Smile enjoy your time here Grin
(Aug. 26, 2009  9:09 PM)Stephen Wrote: Central Wisconsin. Though I'll be moving down to Janesville (Southern Wisconsin, pretty close to Chicago) sometime in the next 6 months or so probably

W00t traveling distance!

welcome spread the word that beyblade is coming back do wat ever it takes Smile
Unfortunatly it won't be as easy as it was in 4th grade. Since everyone's older most are more concerned with thier image then actually having a good time and unfortunatly beyblades become one of those things that people consider nerdy. If I had a few friends still interested in it that'd probably help, but right now it's just meUnhappy
I'm in the same boat as you ( this idiom was already used previously...)

But dont let that stop you! You can collect them and have fun here!