How is Earth 85RSF actually hitting a 200-height attacker? From your post it sounds like the chrome wheel is being hit, but I'm pretty sure 200 is a bit high for that to happen at all often. My first reflex was to question why you tested this as I'm pretty sure 85 is out of 200's range but I'm guessing otherwise from this???
Also, as for "sr200 bringing way too much recoil to an attacker", SR200 isn't doing anything for recoil here other than being at a bad height with a wheel that is struggling with its own vertical recoil on top. You can hardly write off SR200 as a viable height for attack with a single test with something that has noted trouble with vertical recoil. It may well suck but you do not have anywhere near enough of a basis to say that from those couple of tests - there are a lot of wheels in MFB with force smash slopes that could, MAYBE make some use of it offensively to try yet.
I'm also not at all sure why you'd rush to put this up without actually, you know, testing the only type SR200 has ever succeeded in. Surely it could have waited until tomorrow? I'm sorry, but I really dislike people rushing to make threads without adequate results to make it worthwhile first.