Just to say hi.

been a while since Ive been on a forum, but Im very interested in the new beyblades so I decided to sign up and see who else is playing them.
Well to start, Im 20 years old and live in Ottawa and will be going to Carleton University this September(if anybody knows where that is).
I started playing when I was about 15 but due to lack of people interested in beyblades in my area, I gave up.
Im actually currently in Japan right now visiting with a friend and will be going back to Canada on April 1st. And because Im in Japan ive been buying all sorts of blades, I cant stop haha

Well I just wanted to make a quick shout out to people on this forum, I hope I can hang around here more, it seems interesting. And if they are any people here in Ottawa give me a shout.


Ps. Sorry about the lack of punctuations, Japanese keyboards are so weird.
Welcome to the WBO! I hope you like it here Smile
(Mar. 12, 2010  7:33 AM)geffers Wrote: Hey,
been a while since Ive been on a forum, but Im very interested in the new beyblades so I decided to sign up and see who else is playing them.
Well to start, Im 20 years old and live in Ottawa and will be going to Carleton University this September(if anybody knows where that is).
I started playing when I was about 15 but due to lack of people interested in beyblades in my area, I gave up.
Im actually currently in Japan right now visiting with a friend and will be going back to Canada on April 1st. And because Im in Japan ive been buying all sorts of blades, I cant stop haha

Well I just wanted to make a quick shout out to people on this forum, I hope I can hang around here more, it seems interesting. And if they are any people here in Ottawa give me a shout.


Ps. Sorry about the lack of punctuations, Japanese keyboards are so weird.

Hey welcome to the WBO. Many Canadians here myself included. I'm also a university student (York)

While Toronto is not super close to you hopefully you can make it to some of our events.
Welcome to the WBO
Welcome. Hope you enjoy the board.