Judas likes to draw.

Sup guys?
I figured I'd post some of my drawings and stuff. None of it is Beyblade-related, but still.
Whatcha think, dudes?
These are really, really good. I love the fact that several of them are so realistic, like they're a sketch for a nature magazine.
u r amazing those drawings r amazing!!!!!!!
OMG, they are so amazing! You should keep drawing Judas! Keep it up!
Nice Drawings, love the details on the Bird!
Love to see more!
Those drawings are amazing ! If I ever attempted to do that , it would be carp.
Thanks, everyone!
I'ma post some of my comic stuff. These are pretty much abandoned projects. Haha.
Some of the pages, as you'll see, have been linked to, and I've included warnings on pages with strong language. If that isn't okay, I'll remove them.
Double postin'.
I made a little sketch sprite for practice, since it's been a super long time since i've sprited anything.
[Image: selfpixel.png]

Just a tiny self portrait pixel. :>
Oh nice job let me hire you and you sketch me xD