[Jakarta] [18 August 2012] Bey Bash: Independence Bey

Bey Bash: Independence BEY

Date : Saturday, August 18th, 2012

Time : Arrive @10:00 a.m. SHARP for registrations, introductions, rules overview, free play, sales/purchases. The Tournament will begin @12:00 p.m. WIB - until finished

Venue/Location : Pantai Indah Kapuk - Metro Broadway Jl. Pantai Indah Utara 2, Pantai Indah Kapuk - Jakarta 14460, Indonesia Google Map : http://maps.google.com/maps/place?cid=13...PDA&dtab=2

Format : 28 Participants : Round Robin Block System
More than 28 Participants : Double Elimination

Fees : USD. 5,- for entrance OR USD. 10,- to purchase a WBO passport (valid for 1 year). Current passport holders are free. (All fees must be settled before the event date). If paying in Rupiah, it is Rp. 100.000 for a passport OR Rp. 50.000 for a one time entrance fee

Prizes :

*NO FAKE PARTS (Don't bring them to the event)*

1. wpardin
2. prastyo wibowo
3. Real Madrid
4. Sentinel Prime
5. No$killbl@der
6. blitz300
7. Sammy Lie
8. Darrel Lie
9. Killer Instinct
10. C_Andrew
11. vincenteh
12. christo andrew
absolutely in..
ikut ikut ikutt........
Di Jakarta cepat sekali turnamenya!Di surabaya lagi nunggu" host nih
(Aug. 13, 2012  5:23 AM)Ezik #2 Wrote: Di Jakarta cepat sekali turnamenya!Di surabaya lagi nunggu" host nih
Biasanya sih 1 bulan sekali, tp bulan Agustus ini memang dibikin 2x.
Anyway, paket biasa ya Pegasis_Wink
NSB + Blitz300
Ezik: siapa aja bisa jadi host koq jadi ga perlu nunggu yg lain adain turnamen.

Daftar peserta uda di update. Harap perhatikan jam pertandingan. Thanks.

Ok d christo.

Yg lainnya mana nih? Koq blm register ya?
alamat lngkapnya dmn ya?
Selamat kepada para pemenang
2. NoSkillBlader
3. Real Madrid

Daddy you're the Best

trims my lovely son......
Kredit dan Faces untuk turnamen ini sudah diproses. BeyPoints nya tetap pending menunggu selesai sistem upgrade nya ya. Tapi sudah masuk daftar antrian utama. Selamat kepada semua!