Internet Videos

If anyone wants a laugh, watch these clips of one of my favourite comedies, Father Ted. It's about priests on an isolated Irish island. It's just... amazing. Watch at least one! (The second one follows the first)
Mirrored from my anime topic:

So, in an interesting strategy, the animation company Gonzo has decided to put legally subtitled episodes of two different (new) shows on internet movie websites (Youtube, Crunchroll, and BOST TV) the exact same time they air in Japan. I checked one of them out, called the Tower of Druaga. It's based off of an ancient NES game, and the first episode is essentially a parody of anime and video game clichés. I don't know how the series will turn out, but the first episode itself had me dying. It's pretty damn hilarious. Take a look.

Youtube Link:
so who wants to play I spy G like 10 times in this video x.x
24: I am Jack Bauer (subtitled Japanese commercial):

way to butcher 24 rofl

Also, Japanese commercial with Kiefer:


The second one was actually kind of cool. D:
I don't know if anyone has seen these but they can be funny, I just give you two of them and if you want to watch them then go ahead.

Naruto Abridged episode 9, got to be the funnest one.

naruto abridged episode 18, mainly the DS bit that is funny. BLUE!

By the way this has to be the only abridged that works.
AnnieDuck Wrote: carp i hate the internet

I don't hate the internet really, I just hate people that seem to think jokes that are funny on the internet are also funny in real life.

They aren't.
Composer of Requiems Wrote:


I've no idea if this has been posted before.


thats all you can really say

This is know as Super Mario Bros Z and is very funny and the person has done a good story line for it. As far as I know it only goes up to seven at the moment but it is still good and very well done. Enjoy.
annie I love that haha, saw it a few months ago.
wish this was on TV though, like a psa.
AnnieDuck Wrote: nsfw but absolutely brilliant

I was going to post that a while ago, but I was waiting on Toto to get authorization.

In the mean time, I post these:
Ominous Wrote:

Seen that one. Weirdly awesome.

Ominous Wrote:

Holy awesomeness... XD I heard a few Haruhi songs, the Lucky Star OP, among others.


My response.