[India]Bey Nightmares -Elite Beyblade Team.Now Accepting any Indian.

Poll: What should our moto be?

Nightmares Rule
Aim to destroy
gives you Nightmares
The Best in the world
None of these
Total: 100% 8 vote(s)
name tyson sharma
Username of wbo takao.k/tyson.g
Town. Obra
District. Sonebhadra
State. Uttar pradesh
Put me in this team.
You can be the up captain
OK,Im going to put up the pole on who is going to be the v-capt is it ashton pinto or sridbeys17
if any nightmare wants to be the v-capt then post on this thread ill put you as the nomines and hipp hipp hurah our team is nominated as the one of the best in the world.
SBR, well whose the vice captain for blore?
If no one is, can I be?
Name: Anuraag
City: Vizag
Country: India

I always wanted to join a team. Thank to THE DRAGOON FOR telling me.

i always wanted to join a team. yeah me to anuraag1999
shanmukh sai teja

i love to play with a team. YES he is the reason we are all here.
Welcome friends to WBO. Hope you have a nice time here, so after you add them who is going to be the captain in my city, huuuhhh???
Im really sorry anuraag,shanmukha and nirmal Because now it is a pro team so sorry no entry and I'm going to ask some of the members
questions about Beyblade.Then only they can be in this team.
I want to join this Team.
Ok,Cool your in this team You answered 2 out of 3.
I also want to join this team.
Sorry,you are not in the team you got 1 out of 3
Sorry,you are also not in the team you got 0 out of 3
(Jan. 25, 2012  5:33 PM)spikebeyraahul Wrote: Sorry,you are not in the team you got 1 out of 3
Its OK
Guys, honestly, hating each other as teams within India is NOT a good thing. Note, I said hating, not rivals. I have my former rivals in Indonesia, what did I do, I was friendly to them, and THEN they became part of my team. Shadow Nova does frown upon such threads like this with a rather cluttered OP, it's hard to read and understand.

Really change the Anti-whatever team thing, it's not very nice to look at. Makes it seems that fighting is what they teach you at school. Everyone has positive and negative, Ying and Yang. Don't make claims of being the best BEFORE you become the best. Honestly, PEACE is the name of the game. In fact, Team Shadow Nova's Motto is "Strength is through unity with others"

Please, you both are cool teams, but really bad forms of rivals.

Izuma S. Inzori
Team Shadow Nova Leader/General and Founder
Inzuma Inzori your Right.I will change it
Thank You
^ Well spoken Izuma ^

I was browsing the Shadow Nova team thread when I came across your post Raahul. I am the Brigadier-General of Team Omega Nova, the team alliance that Team Shadow Nova is a part of.

You asked about having an Alliance with Shadow Nova, joining him.
Now, I can see why you would want to, Shadow Nova is fantastic bey team; well organised, good morals, strong as a team. You should learn from them.

Their OP is neat and easy to navigate, your's isn't as much. You need to use words in bold/italics, indents. At the moment your is a jumbled mess and does not represent the 'professional' standard you seem to think you have. I myself are against being selective of team members, everyone should belong. But all teams are different. Izuma and I accept almost all people who are interested in joining, it strengthens the community and rids it of bad thoughts and prejudice. Your team is showing some obvious signs of both of those. A team does not always have to be competitive, it's about having fun an belonging.
Training them to do what? A team should be about supporting, learning and encouragement. We do not have specified "teachers" and "trainee's" in our team, but ask anyone in it and they will say that have grown as a blader by being a part of it. A team is for fun, for enjoyment. From reading posts in this thread is seems you are taking it too seriously.

As to not clutter your topic, we shall continue this conversation via PM
Agreed, still, it goes to show, some people who care can fix dents as large as craters. Teams should stay, just a Team Forum and Team Forum Moderator Committe.
We're only glad to help other leaders. Plus, with the debate going on among us about teams, this scenario will work very nicely.

Ok Guys,We Are Going To Have Meet Ups By Using The Wbo Chat.
Please Nightmares Attend It is On The 5th Feb.I'll Pm You Guys The Time It will Be Lots Of Fun.I'll Pm You The Time And The Detalis.Please Most Of You Try Your Level Best To Attend.And As The Pole I Think Will Be closing In Few Days We will Know The V-Captain Of the Team.And Meet ups Makes Our Friendship More And Team United Please Come.
(Jul. 08, 2011  12:55 PM)SpikeBeyRaahul Wrote: We are Currently Accepting Trainee's into this Beyblade Team,But in Order to Qualify To become a pro You Have to do the following.
1.Place 1st 2nd or 3rd Or
2.If Not And Want to Join I'll pm You 3 Beyblade Questions.And If You Get 2 out of 3 you are a Nightmare.

1.This team is a professional Beyblade team to join this team you have to be 1st 2nd or 3rd in the wbo event

2.if want to join post on this thread I will ask you 3 beyblade questions in that if you get atleast 2 out of 3 you will be in Nightmares.
you said that we have to come1st, 2nd, or 3rd in a WBO event which is that event????
and PM me any three beyblade questions