[Illinois/Chicago, USA] Calling Illinois/Chicago Bladers

Poll: Would you attend a qualifier for the WBO North American Championship on Sunday April 28th?

Yes, I'm free and will go!
No, that's a bad day for me.
Total: 100% 25 vote(s)
We should have them all check in again and make sure their plans hadn't changed. And honestly this is so far in advance, I don't know if I'll have plans then.
Even though it's far in advance, it's best to get it approved now so we get more people and know of peoples plans.
How can we know of people's plans when they may not even know them? This is more than a month in advance. I haven't the slightest idea what's going on school wise, much less personally.
If you've seen other plans, they've planned three months in advance. But I guess I'll wait for another week or so to put it up.
I think that I should put up the proposal, I want to do this to get more participants. Does 1:00 Registration sound good for everyone?
We're not sure, though. My mom may pull the same thing as last time, where I asked her 3 weeks in advance and she stalled until the last minute and said we couldn't go.
Yes, but I think 1:00 is best for the tournament so everyone can get here at the best time of the day, and this will be on the 30th of November, or the week after, in December. I'll just put the 30th of November.
Thank you for consulting me...
If I'm on the confirmed list, you better change it, because I told you numerous times I'm not sure if I can make it considering it's two months away...
I'm not sure if that was sarcastic or not but ok... it's going to be in Oak Park FYI. So, you can most likely make it but I'll change you to a maybe.
That was sarcasm.

I can "most likely make it"? I don't know if you suddenly know about my schoolwork and social/family life but that's a pretty bold hypothesis. Especially since I, much less you, know what's going on for me in the next month.
Well, I'm sorry if I don't know everything about your life OK? And FYI Coach, the Michigan blader told me it would be better for me to put up the proposal now. And basically, I did consult you. Ok? I hope you can come.
I still think we should wait. Do we even have a list?

See, this is why tournaments fail, because they are too rushed.
How is this rushing?! I mean, seriously. You saw Yuko's thread. They plan even two months in advance! I just want it to be approved as soon as possible so we have more time for plans. And yes, we do have a list. That was rude in my opinion. You have only been to one while I, on the other hand have been to 7 now?
Where is the list, then?
But what I am saying is you just had a tournament, and now you are already rushing to get another going. The comment wasn't rude.
But you basically said I was the one who made tournaments fail, even in general that's rude. This is for November BTW. The Plastics one we have been planning for a month now? Yeah, that one. The list is in the proposal, I could quote it. We have 9 confirmed, but I can have many more people to come.
Actually we did have a list your apparently to lazy to search.
@Kyler_the Best, It's gonna be awkward if you guys are fighting like children over the Internet and if you were to actually meet at a tournament ...

Just be nicer.
Yeah, it's just that he said sorta that tournaments fail because I rush them. And I defended myself.
Well I do believe that you should have done this later.
Kai-V said you can host if I co-host, correct? Well I don't even know if I can come, so...
Well, I might be able to host this one by myself. But she needs to respond first.
She won't respond if ya bother her about.
This is advice, not accusation, so don't go off about it.
I'm not going off, it's just you guys keep saying this is too fast, this will fail, blah blah blah. I have been planning this for a month with Ultramarine and Kyler_thebest, I am a very patient person but I want more people to come, which means farther in advance guys, not like two weeks before the tournament. I don't bother her at all, where'd you get that from?
Remember when you pestered her so much that she wouldn't let you host alone. She said you sent a lot of PMs
Yes, but now I don't and I have learned from my mistakes.
Considering you've posted three times in a row in your own proposal...
Just sayin.